The hardest part is yet to come

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[a/n] it was hard to find a song for this haha, thank yu all for reading etc :) 

Josh woke up with a headache and a rumbling stomach. When he checked his phone, he saw it was 3 AM and realized no one had woken him for dinner, which was probably for the better. Quietly, Josh got away from under his sheets, accidentally waking his cat, which was laying at the foot of the bed.

“sorry.” Josh whispered.

He walked downstairs, trying not to wake anyone. After quickly drinking a glass of water, Josh went on the hunt for some food. After three minutes Josh figured that he wouldn’t find much, except for some food that just didn’t really appeal to Josh at three in the morning. Josh walked over to the couch and sat down with another glass of water, when he heard the toilet flush upstairs. He walked to the stairwell, and whispered to the person upstairs/


“Josh? What’s wrong, why are you up?” He heard is mom reply.

“Oh, mom, even better. Do we maybe have anything to eat?” He heard his mom come downstairs. “Sorry if I woke you.”

“Don’t worry, you didn’t. and even if you did it’d be fine. I can make you some mac and cheese?”

Josh decided that even though it was very early –or very late- mac and cheese is always good. “that’d be nice, mom.”

He followed his mother into the kitchen and soon felt kind of guilty for keeping her awake to make him dinner.

“wait, mom, don’t worry. I got this, I’ll make myself some. We have microwaveable ones too, right?” Josh offered, walking over to the cupboard and pulling out a package.


Josh nodded. “You should go back to bed, love you mom.”

“thanks, Joshua. I love you too. Don’t stay up for too long, alright?”


The next time Josh woke up, it was nine in the morning. A bit of light was shining past Josh’s curtain. He stretched himself out, nearly pulling a muscle in his neck. His family was either at work or school, so Josh had the house all to himself.

“Guess I’ll be playing the drums later today then, right Hikaru?”

The cat meowed in response, crossing Josh’s chest to get to his face. Josh pressed a kiss against his cat and then pulled the duvet up to his chin. Josh wondered if people at school missed him. It wasn’t very likely that they did, but maybe there was someone wondering why he wasn’t there. He hadn’t told anyone, he figured his friends –or ex-friends- would no longer care about him and there wasn’t really anyone else to tell it to. Angie didn’t go to his school nor his church, so he didn’t think anyone knew.

Josh grabbed his phone and played crossy road until he had to get up because he had to pee, which was nearly an hour later. Accompanied by his cat, he made himself some breakfast and drank some tea, then went back to his attic. He walked to his drum kit in the opposite corner of his bed and sat down on the stool. This felt right.

Josh put all his energy in zealous beats and ponderous solos, and nothing could’ve felt any better. For a minute, Josh forgot about everything. Forgot about Angie’s death, forgot about the ‘friends’ who no longer wanted him as a friend, forgot about the pain the crying had caused in his lungs. For a minute, Josh didn’t feel.

It was when his hands started to burn and his head started to feel dizzy, that Josh decided to slow down. Sadly, slowing down also meant the return of feelings, but maybe it was good to feel. He went to sit on his bed, missing the presence of his cat, who had fled as soon as he saw Josh taking his drumsticks in his hands.

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