Chapter 2

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^Portrait Harry Talks About In The Entry^

August 3, 2021;

No-ones POV:

Harry's mother (Lily) told him if he wasn't going to allow Estella to have a room in his 'guest' house; than, he had to remove his personal belongings inside his old room. As he definitely wasn't sharing with her, especially after what she said, he went to grab his stuff. He had already put Jameson's, Lily's, James', and Estella's stuff from his place, to downstairs. He even found that horrid portrait his mother made of him. He wasn't going to miss that, at all. I mean he had to pack and go through, all his stuff before heading to college in September. He still hasn't told anyone about going to college. He would have to leave September 1st, to have enough time to get settled into the dorms by the 20th. Everyone was being distant from Harry, other than Jameson, so he didn't have a reason to stay at all. His parents and Danica were avoiding him; and Estella was probably going about, spitting up lies. Harry decided he would tell them August 31; the day before he left, so he had to prepare for their reactions.


August 31, 2021;

Harry's POV:

I set up a meeting for the family and Danica at dinner. I finally got them to accept last night. Probably to make me stop bugging them. But, that does mean I have to make dinner. I decided to make White Clam Chowder in a Bread Bowl, mostly because I know everyone, but Estella, likes it. They should be over in about 30 minutes (6:00 P.M.), then I can tell them whats going on.


They should be here any second....


Oh they're here. Honestly I'm a bit scared... I don't think anyone will care, excluding Jameson, I mean I am moving out completely... So Estella and Jameson can have the 'guest' house, mom and dad don't have to 'spoil' me for being the sick kid, and Danica obviously doesn't want to talk to me anymore. Whatever, maybe I'll have bottom sex and get pregnant. Yes that's right pregnant, I can get pregnant, no I'm not transgender. The basic term for it is Intersex. Anyways, I should get the door...

"Mother, Father, Jameson, Danica, Estella."

I spit out my sister's name with disgust at the end of my greeting, which earns some bewildered looks from the others.

"Come in, I just finished cooking. I have to speak with you all."

They all visually shuttered. We walked through my rather empty place. My mother just had to bring it up too.

"Harry; dear, where's your stuff?"

I just turned to her, eyed her up and down; turned back and continued walking. After about 10-20 minutes of sitting in silence, I finished my food; so I decided to have my speech. I stand up, causing everyone to look at me. I then spoke,

"As you know this summer I graduated High School."

In return I got nods and an eye roll from Estella.

"I also know, that for some reason Estella is being a spoiled brat. Trying to have part of the one place people aren't up my ass 24/7."

They all looked to be thinking, considering what I said. I continued,

"All of you, excluding Jameson, have taken it upon yourselves to ignore your dying child or dying best friend."

Their eyes widen, in realization.

"So, I got the letter to my dream college. a little while back"

Not knowing where it is, they all smiled. I continued again,

"Now the answer to your question, mother. I am moving out. Also going to that college, in Japan, tomorrow; 6:00 A.M. If you're lucky I'll come back for the holidays. Not like you want me around anyways...."

They all looked so absolutely terrified. Serves them right.

"Isn't that right Estella?"

They all turned to her, just as she shook her head. I looked her dead in the eye and said,

"I thought you hoped I would die."

I have never seen such a horrified look on someones' face. I ran my right hand through my hair. I than looked down to see, in my palm, clumps of hair...

To Be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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