Who am I as Human?

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Author's note:
Hi, guys! I just want to share to you my partial testimony of my life.

I was the misfit, misunderstood, loner, socially awkward, shy  and labelled weird by others. I had too many questions to asked which I myself find it deep yet did not have the guts to find the answer from others. I buried myself in books hoping it would satisfy the thirst and longiness that I felt in my heart. I looked to those around me, however, my observation was poor and weak to observe the people around me. I tried to fit in the crowd but it did not escaped from them to see my own quirkiness of being honestly me. I tried to please them to make me feel accepted and wanted in society yet it failed. I had few friends and the so called "friends" were slowly vanishing from the pages of the chapter of my life. I became accustomed to loneliness as my companion. I had suffered so much insecurities and anxieties in life of who I am. I did not expect one day, I would find a family that would wholeheartly accepted me, making me feel as if I'm part of it. I became a new creature from the old creature I was thinking that myself was really the real me but it wasn't. It shattered the illusion that I created for myself and found that my real life is hidden in Christ Jesus. Coming to know Jesus Christ was my biggest joyous thing that I would not regret for the rest of my life. I do not regret my choice of accepting Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour for in Him, I found the love that I was searching for my whole entire being. I am loved, unique and beautiful child of God. I found my purpose and had an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ as my God. From there, my journey with Jesus Christ just started. He will never leave me nor forsake me. He gave me courage, hope, love, peace, joy and things that I needed which I never thought about it. Praise the Adonai. Soli Deo Gloria.

Sincerely yours,

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