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Author's disclaimer to readers:

Okay, this is frustrating, but unless I actually build up the story properly-it's gunna be a mess. So here I go....best I can hopefully, wish meh luck.
Ugh, though I swear, I'm way too detail-ish for my own good. And it takes up too much of my time when I could be writing, so that's why I don't particularly rely on scripts because they give me a headache. But for the sake of a good story, I'll have to.

Note; right off the bat, you'll notice the story isn't all rainbows and sunshine. It gets serious fast, but isn't completely set with a dreary mood, and does have its funny and heartwarming moments. But since it's mainly a drama, it has tragic moments as well. But rest assured, it should be worth the experience if constructed decently.

Though I still recommend to have caution upon arrival, as this story does have sensitive topics. While not overly used to explicit detail, it's still a valid discretion to address. The following trigger warnings will be listed here and in the tags;

Uses of- occasional heavy profanity, toxic character behaviors (which I highly suggest you condone before blindly defending anyone first), manipulation, abuse (all the above along with drug abuse), suicidal thoughts/tendencies/attempts, death, violence, gore, homophobia, discrimination, bullying, and ableism.

I'll be honest, there's going to be a lot of dark elements used. And far as you can see, it looks bad. But, I just want to point out that they won't be used consistently. And there'll be times where they're simply implied or range to light or heavily described. If said used in chapters, I'll label a warning for anyone wanting to skip these parts. As I've also said, proceed with caution.


The war of Underverse rages on, and in the midst Error often questions things before and after. And he isn't alone.

Check out notes down below every chapter ^^


Blast coming from the left-dodge right.

Possibly demonic version of Undernovela character charging at him? Check that off with a fleet of bones as defense, then sensed a Muffet with her "pet" attack him from behind.
The force of the hit was strong and sent Error flying and crashing into a wall upon impact and curled in on himself in a hunch, huffing infuriatingly. Didn't want to play their game his ass....literally. Despite the want to stay out of this chaos, there was no stopping him being dragged into it choice or not. He hated it.

Just by glaring at a familiar shape in the distance was fueled with spite as he clenched his sides and looked over his shoulder, short lived as he forced his error signs to settle down and face his attackers. Specifically the ones that, being Papyrus and Undyne, led the charge in favor of X-Tale! Gaster. Their presence is what led him here, their annoying disturbance thus making him march down there impulsively. Which on his part was stupid. And of course they weren't alone. It wasn't his fault they were attacking the setting of his show, and that had interrupted his relatively peaceful evening.

Yet again, what exactly was considered peaceful past the voices screaming at him consistently.

Standing his ground now with a snarl, his hands went to cuff his cheeks and draw out his strings. They were glowing intensely, flared in adrenaline as much as he was. Though something was different about them than usual, that possibly because of the fact they were completely out of whack when he lashed out his move of attack.

Everything was going by so quick, and if he didn't know better, those worthless glitches were fighting as if they were anime characters. And even when his strings did land on their targets, he didn't feel his usual sickly satisfaction when he watched zaps of electricity dance on the ground.
Screams rang out, but he didn't feel....anything. He shook his head of his train thought and tightened his grip of his fisted hands and grabbed hold of his wires, and flung them (the background characters) away like the rag dolls he made.

|ERRORS IN REDEMPTION| Rebirthverse! (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now