Chapter 5

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Taeyong woke up as he felt something, or someone, hug his torso tightly. His eyes opened slowly and a smile crept up on his face as he saw her sleeping peacefully beside him. They were holding onto each other and she was snuggled against his chest.

He closed his eyes and tried to go back to sleep but heard a quiet moan from her as she shifted in his embrace, letting go of his bare torso and turning to sleep on the other side. He wrapped his arms around her again and snuggled against her neck, not wanting to ever let go.

He had missed being this close to her.

"You're going to have to wear looser shirts today," he heard her mumble tiredly.

"I told you I didn't mind," he muttered against her neck.

"What time is it?" she then asked him.

"The alarm hasn't rung yet, it's fine," he assured her, resulting in a small chuckle from her.

"I still need to get up earlier to pack away your clothes and give them back to Jiwoo," she explained.

"Five more minutes," he begged.

Seulgi laughed softly at his needy behavior and sat up, or tried to as he refused to let go of his grip on her. In the end, he let go of her and she reached for his phone that was placed on the bedside table. She unlocked the screen and smiled as she saw the time.

"I can stay ten minutes more," she told him and placed back the phone before laying back down beside him, now facing him again.

He rested his head on his arm and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear before caressing her cheek gently.

"Why are you so gorgeous?" he whispered, studying every feature on her face.

She smiled shyly at his compliment and placed her hand on his, caressing it slightly while looking at him fondly. "I guess it's because I'm with you. I'm always better when I'm with you," she confessed, making him feel shivers across his whole body.

"Seulgi," he breathed out, causing her to raise an eyebrow out of curiosity.

"Let's try again."

She bit her lower lip nervously and lowered her gaze. This was, again, the moment she had been fearing of.

Looking back up at him, she decided to move closer to him and place a quick peck on his cheek. "I want to," she admitted and moved back. "But we both know we can't maintain a long distance relationship."

Taeyong looked at her with sadness and disappointment in his eyes, but he knew she was right. If it didn't work out before, why would it work out now? But he missed her. Her voice, her laugh, her smile, her touch, her lips... As of now he could only make the best of the situation before they would go separate ways again.

"I know," he mumbled and grabbed her closer to him, holding onto her as if it was the last time. "At least let us stay like this for a while," he said, giving her a soft kiss on her forehead.


Wendy placed the luggage in the overhead rack before taking her seat beside Seulgi. "Taeil asked me earlier if I would like to switch seats with Taeyong and sit with him," she told Seulgi who immediately widened her eyes at the sudden statement.

"And what did you respond with?" she asked, hoping Wendy would tell her that she said no.

"After you called me and told me about your morning with Taeyong saying how dumb it was of you to stay in his room overnight? I mean, as much as I would love to watch the tension between you two I know you would hate me if I said yes."

"So you said no?"

"I said no."

Seulgi placed her hand on her chest and let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you."

Wendy shot her a look. "I don't get it."


"Do you like him or do you not like him?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you must've stayed in his room because you wanted to, but now you seem to regret it."

"I don't like him, Wendy," Seulgi mumbled and felt herself sink into her seat.

"What?" Wendy furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "You don't like him anymore?"

"I love him," she replied quickly with a small tone. "I love him," she then repeated with a pout.

"Oh," was the only thing Wendy could utter at that moment.

"But, isn't that good? Don't you think he feels the same?" she asked unsurely before taking a quick glance at Taeil and Taeyong who sat a few rows in front of them.

"I still love him and I think he feels the same?" Seulgi guessed. "It's just that I am certain. Certain that after this whole tour, we are not going to be together. And just thinking about that makes me feel really miserable and regretful that I even let myself be with him so much these past days."

"Seulgi," Wendy whispered and put a hand on her shoulder, comforting her. "I understand that this probably is hard or even weird for you, but what if that doesn't have to be the case?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're not the same people like last year and even if you've been apart from each other during that time, you still love each other. If you two try again you can always find other ways to make it work? It doesn't have to end the same way this time."

"But what if it does?"

"But what if it doesn't?"

Seulgi gave her a hesitant look and shook her head. "I can't risk it."

"Yes, you can," Wendy encouraged her. "Isn't it better to try again and see how it works out this time? I mean, it's better to do that than to still love the person you just gave up on without even trying."

"I-" Seulgi sighed, chewing on her lip as she thought about it.

A tired sigh escaped through her lips. "Maybe you're right."

Wendy smiled. "I'm always right, but you do what feels best for you, okay?"

"You're just saying that in case everything ends badly," Seulgi snorted, causing Wendy to giggle softly.

"I wouldn't want you to blame me if it doesn't go the way you hoped."

"Oh trust me. I will blame the shit out of you if that happens."

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