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It's been half a year...

A half year since the last time she had seen him. They had been going strong, though. Stronger than she thought, making her worries about their relationship fade away slowly but surely.

They made sure to call each other every night, even if it was for just a minute. Just hearing him utter at least one word before going to bed was the best thing she could experience. It filled the small, lonely feeling in her.

Although she did miss his presence around her she decided not to beat it around the bush. The small things they did was enough to keep each other happy and grateful.

Seulgi stared out of the window, looking at the shops and skyscrapers that passed by. The streets were covered in snow which made the whole city seem a lot brighter. Her lips curled up into a smile. She had missed Seoul.

Yes, she was there. In Seoul, in South Korea.

She had gotten a job offer in Korea and was planning on building a new HQ in Seoul, expanding her company furthermore while being able to work with more fashion designers around Asia as well.

There was no hesitation in her the moment she got the offer - she had accepted it in a heartbeat. She had let Lily take over her company in England while she was determined to work from Korea.

That meant, of course, that she had to live in South Korea and fly back to England on special occasions. But she didn't mind that. In fact, it was one of her best wishes. So, now she was heading to meet up with Irene by her house to grab lunch.

And then.

Then she would head back to the one place she knew she could call home.


Seulgi pulled her suitcase and walked out of the elevator.

1123... 1125... 1127... And she stopped, smiling to herself as she stood outside his apartment door. She remembered the first time she visited his apartment. He had asked her to come over and eat dinner and her whole body had been shaking out of the nervosity on the way there.

She set down the suitcase and raised her hand slightly, feeling a sudden nervous feeling taking over her. She rang the doorbell and waited patiently.

Maybe too patiently.

She looked at her wrist watch, seeing it was a little past five. She hadn't told him that she was coming because she had wanted it to be a surprise. Maybe he had gone out? Or he hadn't gotten home from work yet?

Just as she tried to ring the doorbell one more time, the door opened. And there he was - Lee Taeyong.

Her one and only love.

He stood in front of her in black jeans and a black turtleneck. She noticed the logo on the left pec of the turtleneck as her own - Jasperose. His hair was a little messy and he looked tired, but he was staring at her with wide eyes, thinking he might've been dreaming.

"Surprise!" she spoke in a cheerful tone, grinning at her boyfriend.

Without an answer she was immediately pulled into a hug and not even thinking twice, she wrapped her arms around him, snuggling into his neck and breathing in her favorite scent.

It wasn't until now that she had realised how much she actually missed his warm embrace. The warmth that made her feel more loved than ever. She closed her eyes and they stayed in the same position for a while, trying to make up for half a year without any physical touch from each other.

Taeyong pulled away from the hug and crashed his lips with hers. It was a short kiss but Seulgi already felt her knees get weak. She let out a soft whimper as he pulled away. He laughed at her cute reaction and stroked her hair softly, looking at her with a sparkle in his eyes.

"You didn't tell me you were coming," he spoke softly.

She held his hands in hers and looked up at him. "I wanted to surprise you," she told him and caressed his hands. He placed his forehead against hers and stared into her brown orbs.

"I hope you'll stay for a long time," he admitted quietly, causing her to smile reassuringly at him.

"About that," she said and glanced down at her suitcase beside her. "Are you still offering me to move in with you?" she asked.

He pulled away yet again and stared at her, his expression was blank and it seemed like he was processing her words. His gaze moved from her to her suitcase and then back to her. After a few seconds he showed a big smile and grabbed her into another tight hug.

"Welcome home, Seulgi."

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