chapter one - dreams

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

You slammed your hand down on the blaring alarm clock to stop it. "Yeah yeah, I hear you..." You mumbled groggily, now sitting up, rubbing your eyes. I haven't seen him in 8 years... Why am I having dreams about him?

You got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Today was an important day for you. Entrance exams for U.A. High School. You'd always dreamt of attending a good hero academy to become one of the best heroes, but after a traumatic incident, the dream was a bunch of crap to you. Now, your only hopes were to attend U.A. for a secure future as an intern or assistant for a small-time hero. The title 'Pro Hero' no longer sounded as amazing or appealing as it once did to your teenage brain.

A few years ago, you never thought about even applying to U.A. since you were quirkless—that was until you were the age of 8. Prior to getting your quirk, you had already gone through the heartbreaking experience of your parents' divorce.

The man who raised you was not your biological father. Your mother, Minami, cheated on her husband, Kaito, and slept with one of old high school friends during the first year of their marriage. The woman fell pregnant with the other guy's baby and kept it a secret by lying to her husband about who the father was. 9 years later, Kaito discovered the truth when he found an old letter from a man named Junichi, the man whom she had an affair with.

Not being able to handle the truth about his terrible discovery, he asked for a divorce and decided to move to Hosu, taking 7 year old you with him. Though you were not his biological daughter, he still wanted you to be his little girl. Your mother had no objections to the arrangement, as she could never stand your presence. Minami always looked at you in disgust. At first, you thought it was because you were quirkless, but later on understood it was due to your sole existence. According to your own mother, she would have forgotten about her 'sin' if you were never born.

Much like your mother, you were relieved to live with your father—he was caring and kind to anyone and everyone. It's not like mom cared if I moved out. She never cared about me. In fact, I think she'd be a million times happier.

Eight Years Ago

"Where are we going, daddy?" You cried out, thinking about your new friend, Iida. I don't wanna leave him. If I leave, no one will protect me.

"Sweetheart," Your dad crouched to your height, choking up. "I'm not actually your father." He held back his sobs as he embraced you in a tight hug.

"What... what do you mean?" You stuttered, also choking up, hugging your father back.

"It means that we are not the same. We don't share the same blood." He let you go and looked you in the eyes. The more you thought about it, you shared no resemblance with the stranger in front of you. No, I can't think like that, he is my father. Even though you didn't share DNA, he was still the man who raised you. To you, he was more of a father than whoever was your biological father. "We're going to Hosu, where we can start a new life and you can become the hero you want to be." He stood up straight, reaching his hand out to you. "Sweetheart, I want you to know, even though you're not my blood, I still love and care about you." He bent over, kissing your small forehead and wiped away stray tears. As much as you didn't want to leave Musutafu, you didn't want to stay there with your bitter mother. But, Tenten... I don't want to leave without saying goodbye. Our promises.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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