♥its not my fault youre like in love with me or something♥

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Random Encounters That Left Me Flustered

I am currently in school so that's where said story will take place. I was walking out of my school building and I was wearing a shirt that reached where my shorts started. So if I moved it would show some skin, which I didn't mind, it's just clothing. 

But... that's not all of course. My parents usually get me from school so I have to sit and wait for them which is fine. Anyway they come early on some days and on others they don't. I stood up waiting for them since they told me that they would be early. 

Also some parents do get out of their cars to get their kids or to just wait for them. That's where the guy comes into play. 

Okay I'll admit that I noticed him right away when he got out of his car. I have no idea who he his, who he's related to but all I knew is that he was attractive. 

He had a scruffy beard and a dad bod with a good amount of muscle, his hair was all salt and peppery but you could tell that he was really handsome when he was in high school. His eyes were a light blue (I have a thing for eyes). 

And please don't even get me started on his hands. They were literally perfect! (No I'm not joking, he could literally choke me to death and I would die happy.)  

Me literally gawking at him made me drop my book that was in my hands. It didn't really make that much noise since everyone was chatting so I figured no one noticed or cared. 

I bent down to pick up my book, and I usually wear this shirt so I know my back is showing whenever I move. (My friends made me aware in case I didn't know on some days too)

So I picked my book up as someone usually does and of course a couple of people were looking at me but I didn't care. But the man was looking at me along with the other students. I got so embarrassed and I don't even know him! (Pretty/Handsome men don't know the effect they have on me :( ) 

Yet he didn't look away, even when I took some glances at him. He just eyed me up and down while I was literally sweating. 

My current thoughts were : 'Am I on my period and it's bleeding through my shorts?'

'Are my armpits sweating and created a stain on my shirt?'

'Is my hair a mess?'

'Maybe I should just look over again..?'

When I looked over he finally looked away after I was breathed out. I wasn't breathing that whole time.. wow. 

His kid finally came out of the building, the kid seemed to be a couple of grades lower than I was. 

And they both left in their car. 

I'm going to name him Mr. C. Since I saw him while waiting for my car, I know I'm not that creative. 


✎..okay this was a bit uneventful but it made me extremely embarrassed and i obviously had to share what had happened. even if i secretly know that it's not going to go anywhere :(  ➼hbicxoxo♥

【just a random diary】➼ hbicxoxoWhere stories live. Discover now