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Luan POV

I feel... sad, upset, invisible and worthless. None of my siblings care about me, they forget me, they ignore me, they pretend to care about me but I know the truth. I need to tell someone... someone I can trust.

Benny POV

Luan came to my house and just started crying. I comforted her the best I could but it was because I didn't know why she was crying. Anyway she seemed really upset so I asked her what was wrong and she just said: siblings. I thought maybe she needed a break from them so I just invited her to stay for a while.

Luna POV

Time to rock on bro!!!! Huh? What's this note? Dude...
Luna: SIBLING METING NOW DUDES Lori: Ugh Luna literally what do you want

The entire room went silent. Lori took the note from me and read it out loud.

Lori: Dear Luna(and other siblings if you see this) I have decided to leave for a while so I will be staying at a friends house for some time. I do not know when or if I will be back but rest assure that I am with someone who appreciates my jokes and talents. Lots of love Luan.

At this point everyone started crying. Even me and that never happens. Well we were all crying except Leni. Leni: Wait, what if this is like some kind of prank and this is totes how she wants us to react?

Everyone started to go back to what they were doing expecting Luan to come home in a few days saying "Pranked you!" They were all tired of Luan pranking us but no matter how much I wanted to be right. I just knew that there was something wrong with my lil sis.

Benny POV

Ok so Luan has been here for a day and I don't really understand why she left her house. I mean, she has 10 siblings who love her a lot, I mean I know that they can be a bit much but they still love her.

Benny: Luan? Are you ok?

Luan's reply came hesitant
Luan: ...No not really. My sisters hate me. They always make fun of me and criticize my jokes. They tell me to stop acting like a baby and start acting more my age. I hear them talking about how annoying my jokes are and how April fools day is their least favourite day of the year because of me, I don't want to ruin a day for my family... plus Lincoln calls me annoying, stuck-up, selfish and hideous with these stupid braces. I'm the only one in the family who needs them!

I-I was shocked. I wasn't expecting that to be her response. I had expected her to hide it and pretend she was ok. But I guess that even Luan can't pretend forever.

6 days later (Lori's POV)

Hmm. This is wierd, Luan still hasn't returned. Wait! What if this isn't a prank! Oh no oh no.

Lori: Emergency sibling meeting! Now!!!!

After a few minutes everyone (except Lincoln) was here. Leni's hair looked like it hadn't been brushed in years. Lynn looked even more tired then usuall and stopped turning everything into a sport. Lucy had decided to write jokes instead of poems. Lola had never looked worse, her pink dress lost its shine, it had massive mud splotches and she didn't act like a snob anymore. Lana stopped playing in mud and let all her wild animals (minus Hops) into the wild. Lisa pointed out all the things Luan would do and all the puns she would make. Lily didn't do much wondering why her siblings were acting differently. Luna looked the worst of all though, her eyes were very puffy, she just sat on her room all day and cried, we all heard wailing from her room but when we tried to check on her she just shut us out.

Luna: *sniffs*

Lynn: I don't thing this is a prank

Luna: YOU THINK!!!!!!

Lori: Luna I know your upset but-


Lori: Lisa, tell me she's wrong please?

Lisa: I would but from my calculations for every sibling we treated badly we counteracted it with ver-


Lisa: Fine. We treated Luan the worst.

Everybody went quiet
Lincoln then came out

Lincoln: Man... Luan really went to great measures to pull this off! I mean you are all quiet! Come on guys! Luan will give up in a few days and come out! Enjoy the no pranks for a while!

Luna burst into tears. Lisa just examined and explained everything Luan would do if she was here. Lucy read some joke from her book. Leni pulled her hair. I stopped texting Bobby. Lynn started talking to her self. Lola and Lana started screaming and crying. And even Lily who didn't know what was happening started to cry.

Lori: Luna where could Luan have gone?

Luna *sniffs* I don't know

Leni: What do you mean? You are her closest sibling.

Luna: I mean Luan shut me out after we got into a fight. I was criticizing her jokes, calling them stupid, unoriginal and boring. Now that I think about it I realize that she put so much work into them that she probably took that too personally.

Lori: Great now we have no clue where Luan could have gone- wait! Lis! You put trackers in all of us, track down Luan!

Lisa: Negative, I took out her tracker for she wasn't intriguing enough.

Everyone except Lisa: Ughhhhhhhh

Luna: Before the fight she told me that she had become good friends someone named Benny.

Lola: Ooh, I will go read her diary!

A few minutes later

Lola: She took all her stuff!

Luna: Wait! That means she was here! Her stuff was all there before so.

Lisa: The recording of monitors shows 4th eldest sibling know as Luan climbing into her and 3rd eldest siblings room of rest while gathering all things that belong to her.

Leni: I don't get it.

Lincoln: What she is trying to say is that Luan is just pulling a big prank on us.

Lisa: No. What I am saying is that she came and gathers all her stuff which probably isn't a prank. Luan may not come home.

Word count: 1074

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