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3rd POV

It was a normal day at the Loud house, everyone was getting ready for school. Lori was talking to Bobby, Leni was debating what dress to wear even though they were the same, Luna was listening to her recorded songs, Luan was telling jokes while doing her hair while Luna was telling her to shut up, Lynn was stretching, Lincoln was trying to find something, Lucy was practicing her death pose, Lana was getting her animals ready, Lola was putting on makeup. and Lisa was trying to find a cure for avian influenza.

Everybody got in Vanzilla and then Lori dropped off the younger kids first and then drove to the high school. Once she got there, all the older kids got out and started talking to their friends. Luan was walking with Lori when a girl came up to them.

The girl had long blonde hair and sparkly blue eyes. She wore a sky blue sparkly dress with white heels. Came up to Lori and Luan.

Girl: Oh Lori! I didn't expect to see you here after your miserable defeat at the-

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Girl: Oh Lori! I didn't expect to see you here after your miserable defeat at the-

Luan: Shut it! Who are you anyway?

Girl: What's it to you? And the question is who are you?

Luan: I'm Luan, anyway where'd you get the dress because I would love to recommend it to a friend.

Sarah: Oh, thanks, my name's Sarah Jones. Oh, and I got this dress at-

Luan: Actually, you should donate it to someone else because you look terrible in it. Are you cousins with a raccoon? Oh, never mind, you can't be cousins with a raccoon because you'll never steal the spotlight. Hahaha! Get it?

Sarah: Ugh! Come on girls, let's go.

Lori: Uh... Luan thanks but you literally didn't have to do that.

Luan: I know I didn't have to but I didn't want what she said because you are amazing

Lori: Oh thanks Luan. Anyway, I gotta go, me and the girls are going to practice golf. See you around

Luan: Oh really? Ok... Luna said she'd show me around anyway


While Luna showed Luan around, a girl wearing a white shirt and high wasted jeans came up to Luna. She had long blonde hair which went down to her waist.

 She had long blonde hair which went down to her waist

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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