Your Melody

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Xiao isn't the one to dance nor is he the type to enjoy music.

So then why did he feel like this while listening to the melody in the distance. It made him feel at ease ,as if there wasn't a single bad thing happening in his life. Feeling these type of emotions made him curious none the less . He found himself walking towards it, the sound slightly getting louder. Once he reached the place he stopped. To not disrupt Xiao stood behind the trees around him.

The melody was beautiful, and so was the person playing it.

"Are you just going to hide behind those trees." A giggling voice said as the sound was interrupted. The person playing the what appeared to be a flute and most likely was turned around towards Xiao's hiding area

Xiao came out from where he was hiding and listening "Sorry to bother you, I'll take my leave"

"Wait...what's your name?"

The question surprised Xiao for he isnt the type of person people usually want to start a conversations with . "Umm...Xiao, my name is Xiao."

"Nice to meet me you Xiao, I'm Venti." The smile on Venti's face made Xiao want to smile back for some peculiar reason.why?

Xiao noticed how Venti's eyes glowed beautifully under the moonlight. For some reason Xiao was getting a feeling he had never felt before. He wasn't sure what it was. But at the time he didn't have time to think about it he was trying to think of a way to keep the conversation going so he wouldn't look like a rude person to Venti.

"Was that the flute you were playing?" This was all Xiao could think of to keep the conversation going.

"Yeah, did you like it?"

"It was...beautiful." Xiao was surprised he managed to say that. He isn't the type to compliment people on things especially if he's just met them.

"Thank you Xiao." A soft smile formed in Venti's face

"If you want to listen to it again you should visit me tomorrow." Xiao was surprised at Venti's word. They had just met, but for some unexplainable reason Xiao felt as if he couldn't say no as much as he wanted to. Almost as if he were meant to go. Xiao wasn't the best on making friends he was lonely practically all the time. Mabye this was the universe telling him it's time he should change that.

"Sure..." Xiao wasn't sure what he had just gotten himself into

"Really?!?!" Venti was hugging Xiao now this took Xiao by surprise to, he cant remember the last time someone hugged him ... or if anyone has hugged him for that matter. It made him feel ... happy.

"Do you know that big tree in Windrise?, if you look close enough at the ground you should find a way in. Got that? Great got to go bye!!"

"Wait what?-"

And with that Venti left, you could hear the small laughter as he left... Xiao was starting to question whether he should go or not . Almost starting to regret to agreeing to go visit Venti

"...Windrise? The ground?"

Xiao dicided to sleep on the matter, even though he didn't really want to go.

The following morning Xiao got ready to head outside as he usually dose. He never really knows why he dose this but dose it anyway. It's better than doing nothing all day .


Xiao has just remembered about last night and how Venti invited him to go and visit him. He didn't really want to go if he was fairly honest, Venti probably forgot about him anyway it's not like he was an important person to Venti , they had just met of course. He kept rewinding the flutes tune in his head. He was really deep into thought about it because he some how ended up walking all the way to the tree at Windrise without even noticing he had.

"...What am I thinking I just met him I can't just go around visiting strangers I hardly even know."


That laugh sounded familiar.


Xiao looked over to where he heard the sound coming from. And there he stood. The boy who's eyes shined so bright. Venti started running which startled Xiao "Where are you going ?!" Xiao tried yelling at Venti but I'm a afraid he couldn't hear him. Quickly chasing after him Xiao kept asking himself as to why he was running, he had already made up his mind he wouldn't go ... so then why was he running?

"Can't you slow down a bit?!" Venti managed to hear this time . He stopped in his tracks.

"Come and find me." The boy giggled running off again not giving Xiao the time to catch his breath. Xiao felt as if he had no other choice then to go after him. After a good 3 minutes of chasing Venti , Xiao ended up in the same place he started but... it appears he lost sight of Venti. "Venti?..."

Xiao wasn't walking or running anymore he was still trying to catch is breath. He took a couple of steps forward to see if he could manage to catch a glimpse of Venti . Wierd ... he couldn't seem to find him. While walking Xiao managed to find himself in a bit of a problem


He feel into whole. Lucky him. He couldn't see anything at first, I mean he was underground after all but to his surprise he didn't hit the floor after a good 10 seconds he had his eyes closed since he thought he would've had hit the ground sooner or later . Xiao slowly opens his eyes not knowing what to expect. When he did open them he was left without word. The hole he had fell into wasn't just some ordinary hole, it was a magical one he believed. With things floating in the air colors glowing and shining all over the place. It was nothing what Xiao had expected. Wait why was he here again? Then he remembered why he was in the place he was in the first place.

"What have I gotten myself into now..."


Will I continue this .... probably not. Mainly because my English sucks and I suck at writing but I thought the idea was cute :)

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