Chapter 10

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Lilly POV

I guess I fell asleep on the car ride home because I woke up in dad's room. I heard someone's footsteps walking in dad's room and I hid under the covers. 

"Lilly are you awake?" I heard dad asked

I didn't answer. I just kept quiet. 

"Oh my oh my. Where's my beloved Lilly? I don't know where she is" dad said 

I wanted to giggle or laugh but I don't want to give dad hints about where am I at. 

"Is she under these covers? I don't know" I heard him say

I giggled and dad opened the covers. He slid next to me and grabbed me to make me squeal. 

"There's my princess that I've been looking for. How are you feeling?" he asked as he kissed my nose

"Feeling better" I said 

"No tummy ache?" he asked

"Nope" I said

"That's good. Come on let's get out of bed so I can get food into you" he said and poked my stomach 

"Dad stop" I giggled

"Never. Daddy is never going to stop" he said 

He kissed all over my face to make me squeal. 

"Say that you love me then I will stop" he said and tickled my side

"Never" I said 

"Okay then. You asked for it" he said 

He pulled up my t-shirt and blew a raspberry on my stomach. 

"Okay I love you" I laughed

"Are you sure?" he asked

"Yes. Now stop it" I said 

"Okay. Come on let's get out of bed so I can get food into you" he said 

"Carry me?" I asked him 

"Fine" he said trying to hide his smile

He picked me up bridal style and headed downstairs with me in his arms. 

Niall POV

"So what do you want to for lunch m'lady?" I asked her to make her giggle

"Can I have some pasta sir?" she asked 

"Yes you. Alfredo or tomato sauce?" I asked her

"Alfredo" she said 

"Alright. That would be in 30 minutes" I said in the announcer's voice

"Okay and daddy" she said 

"Yes my love?" I asked her as I grabbed the pasta from the fridge to heat it up

"Can I watch some tv?" she asked me 

"Yes you can." I said 

"Okay thanks" she said 

"Your welcome" I said 

I heated pasta for her and headed to the living room. 

Lilly POV

"Oh I used to watch this show" dad said as he came to the living room with my food

I am on dad's Disney plus account and I am watching Wizards of Waverly Place. 

"Really?" I asked as he sat down beside me

"Yep. It was on my favorite show and I met Akex" he said 

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