(4) Terribly Pathetic

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Apologizing to everyone was easier than Toma had expected. They all were so...understanding! It was like a large weight was lifted off of his chest.

Soon, everyone was back to their normal routine of practicing. Not one second could be wasted; they had to make up for lost time after all.

They began at 3:00 then ended at 5:00 when the school officially closed. Everyone could see their own improvement increase due this new training schedule devised by everyone in the Soft Tennis Club. It fit perfectly into their calendars, which was the plan. No one would be left behind.

It felt like a large accomplishment to Maki. He was the one who managed to do this, or at least help them come this far. As much as he hated to admit it, he would have to say he was enjoying this. It didn't feel like a chore anymore, but more like... something to look forward to. He still expects his money though, time isn't free.

Time seemed to fly by and soon it was time to leave.

"See ya tomorrow!"

"Hell yeah!"


They were chaotic to say the least, but that didn't waver Maki's opinion about them. He quickly put on his shirt, trying to change his train of thought.

"Hey Toma, wanna go out and buy groceries with me? Maybe I can even make you dinner." The blue-eyed boy slung his bag over his shoulder, waiting for an answer.

Shinjo turned to looks at him, a small look of surprise displayed on his face, "Er, sure Maki. Let me just finish up, you can start walking without me."

Sending a small nod of agreement, Maki left the club room. The light from the sun was slowly fading into a mixture of red and yellow, shadowing the clouds onto the floor. The gulls were out, flying high and free.

'This weather is amazing.' Maki smiled to himself, his full attention on the sky.

"It really is." Toma appeared next to him, adjusting his glasses.

"Oh! I said that aloud. Oops," Maki turned his head to his childhood friend, "What took you so long? We're already half way there."

A small silence set itself right between the two middle schoolers, "I had to change, not everyone can do it at lightning speed," Toma's words held a type of lightness that brightened the mood, which both were happy with.

"Well, I guess I know I'm better at that than you."

"Oh shut it, we're visiting the market, not your ego."

"Potato, Tomato."

"That's not how it goe-...Yeah, okay." Both boys made it to their destination 30 minutes later, for a pretty famous grocery store, it was very out of the way.

They grabbed a cart, but then a small ringing was heard coming from Toma's pocket.


The sound was the ringing of his phone, Toma unconsciously adjusted his glasses while pulling it out, "I need to take this, you can go on ahead and start getting the produce." He hastily started to leave the other teammate.

"Alright than," Maki turned around, "Me vs vegetables, here we go."


If any emotion could be used to describe what Toma was feeling at that moment, it would be pretty simple to find out. His hands were clammy, his throat was dry, and he felt a migraine start building up in his head. No, he's not sick, he's just anxious.

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