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Your name is Y/n L/n. You are 21 soon to be 22, you starred in a new Marvel movie which made you pretty well known very quickly, you were still doing the press tour for it with Robert and Elizabeth. It was a little overwhelming, but you loved how supportive the fans were and the cast treated you like the family you never got to have. You live in a mansion within the mountains of California with a few of your most trustworthy friends. Its pretty secluded so luckily no one knows where you live besides your tight knit group. Also with security around 24/7 you feel pretty secure.. Let's just say there's been a few incidents. You weren't quite sure how you got a house this amazing, they practically payed for you to live there when they found out that you were the one who was interested. Also with the money you've suddenly received from the instagram followers and sponsors and being a newly found movie star.. life wasn't half bad. At least that's what she wants people to think.

(Just a little background on the movie your character starred in. Yes she had her own movie. They first introduced her in the end-credit scene of Civil War.)

Your character's name is Nova Maximoff. She is Wanda and Pietro's sister, everyone thought she died in the first bombing, but she didn't. She ran away and thought everyone she ever loved was dead. Until she saw her sister kill over 12 people in Lagos.. Alongside the Avengers. She found Wanda and had a battle, letting her emotions take over, leading Tony to knock out. He ended up taking her to the Avengers compound to help her. Try to stop something before it happens like he could've done with Wanda. Let's just say it wasn't easy. She goes overboard and that leads to all the Avengers taking over the job the government can't.

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