The doctor says.

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And the doctor says "it will make you feel better just ignore the side effects."
And the doctor says "lets get you a councillor they will help you" but they never call.
And the doctor says "we are just here to help you" but they will leave the office forgetting all about me.
But its what the doctor says "Dont worry about the loss of appetite"
The doctor says "dont worry they will call."
The doctor says "we can get you through this"
But here i am not eating, not sleeping, not enjoying things i used to.
But the doctor said "we are here to help."
So help.
Dont just give me meds that i will overuse.
Dont just tell me they will call after i have told you 5 times they havent.
Dont tell me you will help when you cant.
Dont put me in a hospital where i will be all by myself with my own thoughts.
Dont put me in a padded room where all of my demons will eat me alive.
Dont shut me out when all it takes is a deep scratch vertically down your arms.
Dont tell me you will help when you cant.
But what the doctor says is bullshit.
"We are here to help. No matter how much money it will cost you just know it will cost you alot."
"We are here to help you. Ignore the fact that we arent open on the weekends even when thats the hardest time on you. Oh and we arent open at night even though that is the time you want to hurt yourself the most."
"We are here to help you. Be honest with us and we will have a sense of where to put you on the spectrum of 1 to send home to 10 insane asylum. But dont worry if you are a 10 they will treat you like an animal cage you up and put you on display with a camera in your room so we know more about who you are."
"We are here to help you. And when you finally kill yourself we will bring an ambulance put you in a body bag and put you in the morgue and do an autopsy to find out what went wrong as if we cant see the long vertical cuts up your arms."
"But we are here to help you."

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