(short) Monster AU pt. 2

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Requested by: I dunno


"Oh my…" Kiyotaka muttered as he inspected his umbrella that was now littered with holes.

How was he supposed to go home now? The umbrella would be useless with the amount of holes on it.

"Yo, bro. Wanna go now?" Mondo greeted while placing a hand on his shoulder. They usually walk home together from school. But it seemed that Kiyotaka had to wait for a bit before he could go this time.

"Oh, um…" Kiyotaka looked away and Mondo raised an eyebrow.

"What's wrong?" Mondo looked at Kiyotaka's umbrella, "The fuck? What happened."

"I don't know-"

Kiyotaka could feel Mondo's claws grazing his shoulder as his grip tightened. "Who the fuck did this?!" he growled.

He turned to Kiyotaka while baring his canines, "You have any idea who did this? I'll beat the shit out of them-"

"Mondo, stop. Violence is not the answer," Kiyotaka scolded.

Mondo huffed in response and let go of Kiyotaka's shoulder.

"I don't think I'll be able to walk home with you. Don't worry, I'll just have to wait until the sun sets so that I can go home," he told Mondo.

"What? No! Don't be ridiculous. I ain't letting you wait here for hours because some dick destroyed yer' umbrella."

"Please don't insult your peers like that."

Mondo rolled his eyes. He walked over to his locker and dug through his stuff. He then pulled out an umbrella out of it. "Here. You can use this."

Kiyotaka stared at Mondo in surprise and accepted the umbrella, "I.. I didn't know that you keep an umbrella with you." It was quite out of character for Mondo as he tend to forget bringing items like this to school.

"Y-yeah I started keeping an umbrella just in case since yer' a vampire and I know how dangerous the sun can be fer' you…" Mondo trailed off once he saw Kiyotaka's slowly widening grin.

"How thoughtful and responsible of you, Mondo!" he beamed.

"I'm not- No- I was just-" Mondo stammered out. His tail couldn't help but start wagging at the compliment. 

"Let's not waste anymore time. There's a test in a few days and we will need all the time we can get to study," Kiyotaka gestured to Mondo to walk with him. The flustered werewolf eventually followed behind him.

"Oh my, it really is sunny outside," Kiyotaka muttered as he stared at the bright yellow surroundings. Mondo hummed in acknowledgement.

Kiyotaka turned to face Mondo, "Do you want to share the umbrella? I don't want you to overheat. It is your umbrella after all,"

"Nah, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" he pouted.

"F-fine…" Mondo walked closer until he was right next to Kiyotaka, under the umbrella with him.

The entire walk was quiet except for the loud sound of Mondo's tail wagging against his baggy pants.

sorry, this one is short. only 400ish words. this week has been kind of stressful..

buut thanks a lot for 100+ followers! :D
i really appreciate it. and thank you everyone for reading, voting, and commenting on my stories and just supporting me in general even though i have weird interests at times-

love you all! <3

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