innit funny (3)

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"Are you sure, stay a little longer I haven't even made breakfast." Ranboo protests as I gather my car keys.

"Yeah I need to get going anyway. I got some stuff I need to do" I smile and pat his shoulder. "I'll come by again...promise" he nods. "Okay, just don't do anything too stupid".
" can't make any promises"

I get in my car and turn the key in the ignition. It quietly hums and I pull out of the drive way heading back to the city.




My phones blue tooth was connected so I answered the phone on my dashboard.


"Hey are we gonna get breakfast like we always do" Tommy's voice came through the phone softly.

He must of just woke up because there's no way he would ask that nicely.

"Yeah, why'd you think we wouldn't." I say taking a turn to alex's house.

"Because big Q said you were going out to drink and you usually to come to eat breakfast." I hear something on the backround.

"Fucking alex" I mumble."nah I didn't go drinking" but I did cry.

"Okay see you soon then" he hung up without saying bye. "Wow rushed much" I sigh and pull into the gated drive way.

I press the speaker button. "It's alias" the gates open and u put on a face cover. I trust them but that one time we got stormed it was bad.

I stop the car in the front and go to the door. I wave at the guards and I go in.  "TOMMY IM HERE" I yell into the house

I hear thuds glass stairs as Tommy comes running down. I smiled.
"What's with the look" he raised his eyebrows.

"Eh don't worry about it lets go" I waved at him to come. We walked out and got back into my car. "Where you wanna go it's your day to pick" I say pulling out of the driveway. I drive through the gate as Tommy looks on his phone.

"Ooo lets go to julies diner" I nodded and started for the restaurant.

Tommy and I had been getting breakfast eveymoring after the more missions we did together. That's was because they usually went to late morning and by the time we were done it was time for breakfast.

We had been doing it less because of the three fuckers I've been dealing with. I usually just order it to alexes house for Tommy then. He dosen't like it but it still counts.

"So how's it going with that dream guy" he drums his fingers on the dashboard. "Well I had recently found out this girl he's been hooking up with. Tiff's her name." I say taking a hard right and making Tommy sling across in his chair.

"What the fuckkk." He punched by shoulder. "Calm down it wasn't that bad" I said through continues laughs.

"Anyway, what does knowing this girl have to do with anything" he reajusted himself.

"She can give me some info I just need to find a guy" I smile as I pull into the diners driveway. "I can do it" "no" I shot him down quickly.

"What– why not" I looked at this 18 year old boy (like aged up a year or so it will vary).

"Because she's 27 year old women and you don't look old enough to be a sugar daddy" I laugh and park the car.

"What do you mean I get all the women.  Im a wife haver" I couldn't stop laughing he said it with so much confidence I almost belived him.

He started laughing too and I couldn't breath.
I did eventually catch my breath and turn the car off. "C'mon lets go get some food." I get out the car and shut the door walking in. Tommy follows shortly behind.

I go to sit in the corner but Tommy catches my sleeve and leads me to the counter. "Hey, quit that" I mumble. "No, lets sit here it's more fun". " I swear you are such a child"

We sit at the counter and I slap Tommy's hand off my sleeve. "Hi darlin whatcha like" a sweet older lady asked our orders and I just ordered my favorite breakfast. Tommy order...well I don't know what he ordered.

I got a sweet tea and he got a coke. "This early" he nods and I just nod back. "Im gonna head to the bathroom real quick" I get off the bar-seat and walk to the bathroom.

I walk in and there's a girl looking in the mirror applying lipstick. I get a closer look and it looks like dreams girl. I turn on plastic mode and walk over.

"Oo what shade is that it looks good on you" I drag my hand across the counter over to her. "Oh thanks!" I come beside her and then sit on the counter. I had already locked the door when I got in here so now I just gotta flirt.

"Hey, I like they way your looking do you wanna get a drink sometime" I say inching closer to her without her noticing. "I-I mean sure, here's my number" that was easy. She takes a piece of paper out of her purse.

What the hell this hoe. She gots it prepared I swear to God this dream guy better know. Ha bet he dosen't.

"See you later cutie" I blow her a kiss and hop off the counter and leave the bathroom.

"What took so long" Tommy asked as he sipped the last bit of coke.  "Girl talk you know" I smile and sit down to my drink.

••••••••••••One Breakfast Later••••••••••••••

"Wanna hang out today!" Tommy buckled his seat and I shook my head no. "You know you're really pushing it. I got stuff to do and you know that" I say turning the car on. "C'mon lets get you back home" I pull out of the driveway and speed back to Alexs mansion.

The drive was silent and I didn't mind it I loved Tommy like a brother but damn can't take him nowhere sometimes.

I stop in front of the house and park. "Okay I got to go. I love you okay stay save" he opened his door and was about to shut it. "Uh excuse me what do you say" he glares at me. "I love you too thank you for breakfeat." He rolled his eyes and shuts the door.

I smile and speed off I got a certain man to meet.

((This shit ain't edited lol)))

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2022 ⏰

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