How it happened

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It all started on Maytember 37th. Olive and Somf had been talking for a while and had grown pretty close as friends but quickly realized while watch Ya Like Jazz that maybe making honey isnt bad. They promised to wear socks but Somf had forgotten her socks had a hole and that by not fully wearing socks it was no longer just with the homies. Olive had gotten AIDS.

A week had passed and Olive had not conversed with Somf, only made direct eye comments and the occasional fuck boy lip bite. This enraged Somf as she thought she had dont nothing wrong and deserved a full swag pose when passed in the hall. She angrily discussed Barry and ao3 while longing for a response form Olive until she finally asked

"Whats the dealio bro"

Olive was shocked to see Somf's genuine confusion towards her ignoring and pondered whether Somf even knew what had happened that night.

" were wearing socks right?"

Somf thought back to that night and suddenly it all came back. Putting on her shoes that morning, feeling a rip and suddenly her toe could feel her padded shoes, ignoring it and running to class thinking it was nothing of importance....until it was....and until it was too late.

"Somf?? Are you even listening?? You know you have aids right???"

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