Werbung für @princessXflower

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Autor: princessXflower
Titel:When strangers become friends

Autor: princessXflowerTitel:When strangers become friendsCover:

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Info/Zusammenfassung: Five strangers. People who don't know each other or are not even connected, live several kilometres away from each other and don't know that something big is coming up: a boy who was outed as gay and is not accepted, a boy who has realized he is asexual and is laughed at by everyone, a boy who seems to be "straight" and puts down everyone who is not straight, a girl who is a lesbian and schizophrenic and last but not least a girl who is transgender and has to fight depression. Through a catastrophe in a universe that nobody knows of, these people come together. They realize that you can achieve a lot together, but nobody can say if this adventure will end well and without complications.
Nachricht für Leser:Also wie man bemerkt hat schreibe ich das buch auf englisch. Wenn ihr gerne englische Bücher liest und auf Fantasy steht ist das Buch für euch perfekt. Das Buch ist noch in Arbeit aber vier Kapitel sind schon veröffentlicht.

Ich freue mich auf neue Leser:)


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