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Amara raised both her arms after landing a triple twist

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Amara raised both her arms after landing a triple twist. Breathing heavily, she slowly lowered her arms, sweat dripping down her face and back.

"Good, good, remember to point your toes!" Daisy, her coach, yelled from the other side of the mat. "Rerun the routine," Dasiy said, getting the stereo ready. Watching as Amara drank from her water bottle, still heavily breathing.

"Come on, Coach D; I've been at this since 5 AM, AND even worse it's a Monday" Amara moaned. "It's noon; please let me get lunch," Amara begged jutting her bottom lip out.

Daisy sighed and finally looked at the clock on the other side of the gym and realized Amara was right. "You're right; you get 2 hours," she said sternly "you just got named as a candidate for the Women's Gymnastics Olympics Team. We have to make sure this is perfect." Daisy continued watching as Amara was already pulling on a pair of Nike shorts, and a crop tank top, and slipping on a couple of tennis shoes.

"Of course, coach, I know better than anyone how hard I have to train." She said. Walking out the door with her purse slung over her shoulder. Amara turned to walk backward "can we rerun the bar routine? That's why I was picked, so why not perfect that?" Amara question.

"If you're not late." Coach Daisy said, looking at her phone.

"Okay, thanks!" Amara yelled, turning back around and running for the door. She smiled and breathed a breath of fresh air.


Amara decided to walk around for a bit, wanting to feel the sun and bask in the spring air. She thought about everything that had happened in her 23 years of living.

Gymnastics had always been a part of her life. Her parents were the type to force her into every sport imaginable, but she hated all of them until she was placed in a gymnastics class at four.

It made sense; they forced her to play every sport out there. Robert Ines' a powerful and respectable attorney for Washington, and Grace Ines' an on-call trauma surgeon, meaning she was always running out. They had to paint a perfect picture for the public. However, it was more than that. Her parents were never there, but they always showed immense support for her. Sending her flowers and gifts after her competitions. As long as she could remember, they never missed a Christmas despite their busy schedules.

Early on, her coach and parents noticed her natural skill and how quickly her skills improved. She loved the rush of happiness as she perfected flip after flip. By the time she was ten, she had competed in competitions around the state, placing each time. Amara wouldn't win gold all the time, but she was always top three.

Word spread throughout the athletic community, and she got so many sponsors she didn't know what to do. With their help, she could buy a small apartment in a nice area of Washington DC. Amara also used the money to rent out a private gym space close to Quantico, a 20-minute drive from her apartment.

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