The Project

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Why is he here?" Mina asked Aizawa.

He didn't look too happy. He looked quite annoyed if anything. Next to him was a man that I recognized as the detective who knew about All Might's secret.

"Miss Ashido, please wait to be called on before you speak out." Mr. Aizawa didn't hesitate to leave in his sarcastic tone. "This is Detective Tsukauchi, he will be educating you all and giving you advice on your assignment."

"What assignment?!" Sero asked with a panicked tone and Aizawa glared at him.

"The next person who speaks out of turn will have to run laps after school. No quirks." Aizawa waited for a sound, but he only received a side eye from Tsukauchi. He sighed and continued. "As a Pro Hero, the agency will be given cases involved with villain activity, and many times heroes will have a responsibility to lead an investigation. You guys will train for this specific skill over the next three weeks. Some of you have even seen this live on the field. We don't just handle villains, there are yakuzas and underground crime organizations that we must involve ourselves in."

Izuku hummed silently. He was what Aizawa sensei was mentioned about investigations. He remembered Sir Night Eye, and how he was at the head of the table in the conference room when they were discussing the rescue of Eri. Izuku wondered if Night Eye did all the investigating himself. He would have been a good input for this situation.

"I, for one, have been involved with plenty of investigations, we've saved many lives in these cases." He glanced at the detective and then turned his attention back onto the class. "This doesn't mean that detectives are nonsensical to have. Many times, when your agency gives you a case to investigate, you will often be given a detective to help. Detectives also handle cases that don't involve villains, which -believe it or not- are more troubling. Villains get more attention, so kidnappings and murders don't get much public attention, which is why heroes are sometimes tasked with villain investigations. So that the detectives can focus on other troubling crimes."

Izuku furrowed his brows and looked down. He felt ashamed that he'd almost forgotten that there were crimes outside of illegal quirk use. That was what got the most attention, but what about those who go missing every year? Izuku quickly cured his thoughts, not wanting to trail off into nonsensical mumbling.

Aizawa motioned for Detective Tsukauchi to step forward and give his words. "Okay, so I've worked in many villain-involved investigations. I'm actually a part of a special department called the Department for Hero Agency Investigations, DHAI for short. Basically, we're traveling detectives who are never in one place at once. We are constantly on the move, staying at whatever agency calls for us. When you do investigations, you want to have the facts in front of you, they may just look like random facts strung from here to there but more often than not they connect in some way. Sometimes you will have to piece together different events or cases. To do this try finding patterns in the different cases, there will be some there. Once you do that the random facts will start to make sense. Also! You will have suspects, it is majorly important that you remain objective throughout an interrogation, no matter how much you think they're guilty. Innocent until proven guilty." Izuku was writing down the points he was making in his lecture, these different methods were something he wanted to remember, just in case one day he'd be on an internship like Sir Night Eye's or if he ran into a problem on his project and he couldn't quickly recall the information.

Aizawa began to hand how packets to each person in the first row. By habit, everyone knew the rule to take one and pass it down. Izuku read the front of the page as he passed the rest of the packets back to Mineta. It was the rubric for the assignment. Before he could get to the qualifications, Aizawa began speaking again.

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