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Hey, guys, I'm finally posting sorry for not posting I've been pretty busy and haven't had much motivation to write but I'm back. Just a heads up if you guys want updates more often the chapters will be shorter but that's for you guys to decide.

This chapter contains a good bit of strong language.

Previously on The Camping Trip

J: "Did you think you were gonna get away?"

J: "Because if so you were wrong."


Y: "H-how did you-"

Y: "Why?"

J: "Because it's fun, and also because..."

Y: "He wants you to."

J: "Exactly."

J: "So, are we doing this the easy way or the hard way? Because either way, you end up back at the house."

Y: "I'm not-"

I cut myself off with a wince when I feel another sharp pain through my arm.

J: "That seems to be working well."

I snap my head up towards him, almost a million thought running through my head.

What did he do?

Did he poison me?

Is it going to kill me?

We need to calm down, this isn't helping.

Why is he listening to some random person?

And why is this random person targeting me?

What if I die from this?

Calm down, we don't know what it's doing yet.

We need to find out what he did first.

Y: "What did you do?"

J: "Well, that little shot that Chase gave you when you first arrived..."

J: "Not only did it make you pass out, but it's slowly making you weaker."

J: "So you'll put up less of a fight."

Y: "What kind of monster would do that?"

J: "Me."

  He speaks with no emotion as if he simply doesn't care at all.

Y: "What did I do to deserve this?"

J: "Oh, sweet sweet y/n."

He harshly grabs me by my chin, once again speaking with no emotions being shown.

J: "Nobody is innocent. No matter how hard they try to be."


I never thought about it like that.

He's right you know?

No matter how hard you try to be, you're never innocent.

No. We can't let him get to us.

Y: "You're right."

  His eyes are dark and he has a smirk on his face, sort of resembling Peter Pan when he convinces you to trust him, even though you know that he's evil.

Y: "I'll go."

Y: "I just need to tell them that I'm leaving so that they don't think I went missing."

The Camping TripHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin