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The city of townsville a place where the Powerplant Girls live, now lets see what put three little heroes are up to.


Buttercup:sheesh bloss what got you so mad.

Blossom: nothing I'm just trying to read my book.

Suddenly the phone began to ring.

Bubbles:um hello.


Buttercup: why would they go to the museum.

Blossom:who knows but we got to stop whatever there planning.

The PPG's then flew to the musen. Now with the villains.

Berserk:ugh why did that stupid monkey send us here.

Brat:yeah theres nothing precious here.

Brick:would you keep it down Mojo send it was something "important".

Boomer:*confused* all i see are statues.

Butch:well duh we in a rock farm.

Brute:hey is this what Mojo was looking for *points to three statues *.

Brick:wha-whats special about these.

Just the the PPG's came.

Blossom:stop right there you six.

Brick:oh its the Powerpest.

Buttercup:whaare you up to.

Butch:that old monkey told us there was something special here but the only thing that is here is just a bunch of trash.

Blossom:enough talk.

They all started to fight. The fight went on for a while.

Berserk:ugh you girls are so annoying.

Brat:yeah you can never mind your own business.

Bubbles:too bad *tackles Brat*.

Brat:*knocks over the three statues.

They all gasp. Then the its started to have thunder outside.

Boomer:umm whats going on.

Brat:ummm look at the statues.

They all see a orange,purple and green dust. Then lightning struck the dust causing the 9 children to hit the wall.

Buttercup:ugh what was that.

They then all heard laughter.

Brick:hey show yourself cowards.

The three figures emerge from the dust revealing themselves.

???:HAHAHA we're finally free.

????:yes we have been trapped there forever.

?????:*evil grin* so should we introduce ourselves.

Then they all nodded.

Steve:I'm Steve.

Devin: I'm Devin.

Benjamin:I'm Benjamin.

Steve:and together we are...

All 3:The KillerCool Boys.

Blossom:girls we got to tell the professor.

Then the PPG's flew back home.

Steve:hah look at those runts.

Benjamin:yeah running like babies.

Devin:so who are you six.

The Ruffs and Punks introduce themselves.

Benjamin:ooooo so you guys are evil too, thats cool.

Brick:would you three like to follow us we have to show you something.

Just then they all flew. At Mojo's lair.

Mojo: argh what is taking them so long they should be back by now.

Then they came breaking the door.

Mojo:ahh you couldn't have knocked.

Brat:*rolls eyes* no time we bought you three presents.

Mojo:ooooo Mojo likes presents.

Then the three came in.

Steve:wow this is it some stupid monkey.

Mojo:hey i am an evil genius.

Devin:doesn't look like it.

Brick:anyway is this what you wanted because they appeared when the statues broke.

Benjamin:yeah lets say being trapped in there is such a pain in the neck.

Mojo:so you found the Killercool Boys.

Devin:yeah thats us.

Mojo:excellent i want you three to work for Mojo JoJo which is me.

Steve:hah now why would we do that.

Brute:because you three get to cause lots of choas and destroy whatever you want.

Benjamin:ooooo we like to destroy, wait what about those three girls.

Boomer:oh there our enemies.

Steve:so does that mean we get to fight them.


Devin:then us three are in.

Steve:yeah we wanna destroy everything even heroes.

Benjamin:so when do we start.


Then the three gasped.

Steve:tomorrow but that too long im inpatient.

Mojo:just wait until tomorrow.  But for now let me show you three your beds.

They went to see a three layer bunk bed.

Steve:i call top bunk.

Devin:well i call middle.

Benjamin:awwww why do i get bottom bunk.

Brat:hey bottom bunk not bad.

Brick:whatever lets just all go to sleep.

Steve:yeah i can't wait for tomorrow.

Devin:me neither.

Benjamin:yeah its going to be fun causing chaos.

Just then they turned the lights off and went to sleep.

Now thats it for this chapter comment what you think about it bye

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