Begin plan

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Benjamin:oh boy it's time to put my plan into action.

Steve:yeah yeah whatever. Can you go by it one more time.

Benjamin:*sighs* ok. we pretend to be nice like we help the save the city for a few months then when they fully trust us we can wipe them out. Do you get it now.


Brat:but how are we going to convince them.

Benjamin:ummmm....well i never thought of that.

Devin:*facepalm * you mean to tell me you came up with a plan that you don't know how to start it.

Benjamin:oh wait i got it. Mojo can you send a robot powerful than the powerpuff's but not us.

Mojo:i suppose.

Benjamin:good now that's taken care of do you have any questions about my plan.

Brick:what makes you think they will believe we're good.

Benjamin:meh we'll just say we got tired of being evil.

Brat:well i think its a great idea.

Butch:yo Mojo what's taking so long.

Mojo:I've already launched it so get ready.

The nine chipmunks flew out using the roof. Meanwhile in Townsville the Powerpuff Girls were fighting the giant robot.

Blossom:take this you metal menace *fires laser *

Buttercup:*and some of this* plasma blast*

Bubbles:*fires lightning *

Robot:*blast them all*.

Bubbles:oh this robot is strong.

Buttercup:yeah i don't think I can get up.

Blossom:we've got to keep on fighting.

Robot:*roars*about to crush them*.



Brick:*uppercut him*

Robot:*falls and explodes *

Benjamin:that was easy i thought it was going to be more fun.

Berserk:the girls look surprised.

Boomer:i geuss we should tell them whats happening.

The 9 children flew down to the girls.

Buttercup:what do you want here to fight.

Brute:no we saw you were having trouble so we decided to help.

Blossom:why aren't you supposed to be evil.

Benjamin:well we decided to quit being evil because it's no fun.

Steve:does everything have to be fun for you.

Benjamin:that's besides the point.

Devin:yeah we want to be heroes like you because with all twelve of us no villain can win.

Buttercup:how do we know we can trust you.

Brat:how about we talk about it in your house because that stupid monkey kicked us out.

Blossom:fine lets go.

Soon the twelve super powered children flew to the Utonium residence.

Bubbles: professor we home.

Once the professor saw the 9 evil children he gasped.

Professor:girls get away from them there evil.

Blossom:no they gave up on being evil .

Professor:what but how .

Steve:we will tell you everything.

After the long explanation.

Bubbles:so that's what happened?.

Benjamin:yeah now we have no where to live because Mojo hates that we wanna be good.

Blossom:well if you want you can stay here.

Berserk:well thats nice .

Devin:so where dowe sleep.

Buttercup:well on the couch duh.

Benjamin:oooooo comfy.

Professor:well its getting late we should all sleep.

Ppg:ok professor*flew to their room*

Professor:*walked to his room*.

5 minutes later.

Benjamin:so far my plan is working they haven't suspected anything.

Brat:you do know us two are the only ones awake right.

Benjamin:oh well i thought I'd tell you it because i think your smart and sassy.

Brat:well the sassy bit is oblivious but you really think I'm smart.


Brat:awwwww thank you.

Benjamin:heh we probably should go sleep too.

Brat:yeah thats a nice idea. Good night.

Benjamin:N0ighty night .

Then the two sleeped.

End of 5th chapter

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