Chapter Eight

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Somewhere between my unconscious and conscious state, the blinding lights from God-knows-where kept me from opening my eyes as I blinked several times. It felt like I had been floating before and I finally found a landing spot back in my body. I was looking up to someone flashing something in my eyes and asking my name and if I fell hard to the floor. Someone else replied and I didn't have the strength to look around me anymore. I don't know how many minutes passed and my eyes became droopy again.

"God, Aria you had me worried to death" Gabby said and I blinked owlishly to look at her and wondered when she'd appeared. I was squinting from the bright light again, my lips were completely dry and almost chapped. I looked around and discovered I was in a hospital. This discovery made me sit up slowly and the bed protested under me.

"Huh. What the hell happened?" I raised my hands to look at the IV connected to the back of my wrist. "Did I faint?"

"Calm down, yes, you fainted for a while there at work and you wouldn't recover, so you were brought here. I knew something was up with you. Gosh, you never listen to me, Aria." Gabby shook her head and looked down at me as if to scold a child. "The doctor said it's low blood sugar." She stated.

"Hmmm" I hummed sleepily, "what time is it?" I asked.

"It's ten pm, you've been asleep for three hours" Gabby told and my brows shot up in surprise.

"Oh" I breathed out and thought of reasons my blood sugar would drop and make me faint. The sleeping part was no surprise to me, I was so exhausted and hadn't been sleeping much. Few seconds later, a doctor came in, she was a middle aged lady with brown hair and a freckled nose, she smiled at me as she came to the side of my bed with a medical notepad.

"Hello Ms Vitale, I'm doctor Rachel" she said, "I won't waste any time, so let me get right to it, according to the tests we ran, your blood sugar is too low, which explains the fainting. Stress and maybe lack of sleep explains why you were out for a while. Tell me, do you still feel dizzy?"

I shook my head and tried to moisten my dry lips with my dry tongue.

"Okay, have you had any history with diabetes?" She continued and I shook my head again.

She went on to ask some more questions about my diet, how strenuous my work is and how often I drink alcohol and I gave my answer to each of her questions.

"Alright then, your vitals seem to be fine but there's something you've not been doing right, maybe drinking a lot on an empty stomach, skipping meals and also sleep deprivation. I can't promise you won't have any such episodes again after this, so you need to try and adjust all that I listed, obviously, you don't need a dietitian to consult you on that issue now, do you?" She asked with a mummy expression and Gabby snorted behind her.

I breathed out a laugh and replied, "no, no."

"Good, so just try not to always skip breakfast at least. A light meal before work would do the trick," she advised. "After we revived you, we gave you some IV glucose and you slept right through. So that's that, if you say you don't feel dizzy anymore, then you should be alright to go home shortly," she finished, closing the medical notepad and smiling directly at me. "You want me to go tell the young man that brought you in that you're up now?" The doctor asked and my brows knitted.

I gave Gabby a questioning look and then I remembered Aaron. I passed out on him, he brought me here.

"Yah! Aaron called me while I was about to leave work and said he brought you to the hospital because you fainted and I freaked the eff out" she explained, "I was too worried about you, I almost forgot to check him out. Damn girl. He's a hot piece, no wonder you fainted, I almost fainted too but I decided to keep my ass off the floor so I could be here by your side when you wake" She finished with a wiggle of her brows then flashed me her million dollar smile and I swear I saw the doctor blush.

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