Chapter 1: Not Today, Mister

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Kakyoin doesn't need any man. All in her POV.

          Ugh, It's 12 in the morning. I need sleep. I sigh and put my latest romance magazine away. I have work tomorrow. I walk up the stairs and enter my bedroom. I get changed into my comfy PJs and get into bed. I snuggle with my Prince Zen body pillow and go to sleep.

          *knock knock. fiddle fiddle. slide.* I get up. I see that my previously closed window is now open. I shiver. I grab my flashlight and walk to it. I look down and see a man on a ladder there. We make eye contact. He smiles and waves nervously. Nah ah, not today, not now. I give him a disgusted look, slam my window shut, and lock it. I've read way too many romance novels to know where this is going and I don't want it.

          I don't even bother calling the police because I'm way too tired to deal with this BS right now. I just simply go back to bed and focus on sleep. Tomorrow is another day.

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