I'll hold you

13 2 4

when you are sad

i'll hold you

when you feel bad

I will love you

whenever you break

 I will heal you

and when you feel joy

you'll love me too

cause, hon, I meant 

what I wrote 

in that song

about you

the one

 where I

 said that i'll

love you

through life and death, i'll be with you

and when you are far, I will keep you

inside my heart for it's yours too

to break or to keep, i'll still love you

cause, hon, I meant 

what I wrote

 in that song

about you

the one where 

I said 

I won't

leave you

through love and hate

I will want you

and whenever I leave

i'll be with you

and when you grab my hand

 i'll grab yours too

and when you let go I will crave you

and, oh, when you say that you love me

i'll smile and i'll say it back too

Then, i'll hold you.

She Loved Withering SunflowersWhere stories live. Discover now