Chapter one

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Cover and contents copyright Eden Elsworth 2014

Spawn of Satan


Rowena watched cautiously. The spirit was confused and seemed rather angry. This could get a bit dodgy if she couldn’t make him see she was there to help. Behind her, Rowena felt the departed man’s wife trembling.

This was Rowena’s bread and butter work, and she should be able to do it without feeling nervous, but a confused spirit was a tricky beast.

Ever since Mrs Jones’ husband had passed away in his sleep, he had been prowling around their once happy home. His poltergeist activity had forced his wife to send their children to stay with grandparents, leaving her alone to face the thrown objects, locked doors, flickering lights, and sudden cold spells.

“Mr Jones, my name is Rowena. I’m here to help.”

A book flew off the shelf and just missed her head.

“Mr Jones, do you understand what has happened to you?”

This time, a framed photograph launched in her direction. Rowena only just dodged it.

“Peter, please listen,” Mrs Jones begged, her hands clasped together in anguish.

“I think you should leave the house for a little while,” Rowena advised. If her client got killed by the spirit, Rowena wouldn’t be getting paid, although she didn’t really need the money. A dead client would do nothing for her reputation though.

Waiting until the distraught wife had left, Rowena said softly, “You can come out now.”

Across the room, the air seemed to shimmer. It got the attention of Peter Jones’ spirit. He turned to stare in shock.

The far too sexy and often annoying angel who had plagued Rowena for weeks suddenly manifested in the room. Usually he stuck with a fairly human look, but this time he had decided to show off a rather impressive set of silvery white wings. They only just fit in the small sitting room.

“Show off,” Rowena muttered to herself.

Mr Jones gaped in awe and then fell to his knees.

Rowena rolled her eyes. But at least the spirit had stopped throwing things. Much as Rowena was tempted to throw a few things at the angel for his overdone entrance, she didn’t think Mrs Jones would appreciate having even more cleaning up to do.

“Adlai, put the wings away. The poor man thinks you’re here to deliver some kind of divine retribution.”

The angel managed to look sheepish. “Sorry.”

With a sigh, Rowena crossed to stand in front of the spirit of Mr Jones. “We’re here to help you, Peter. You must know by now you need to move on. You can still watch your family once you’re beyond the Veil. You just have to Beyond them online.”

Beyond was Google for the departed. On the other side of the Veil, everything appeared the same as this side, but there were a few crucial differences; for starters, everyone was dead. But most spirits continued to live in the Veil version of their home, greeting anyone new that joined them and helping them to adjust. Rowena had learned a lot more about death beyond the Veil in the last few weeks. She had even conned the angel into taking her there so she could learn more. He had been reluctant, but Rowena had pointed out it would help her do her job better.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2015 ⏰

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