Ch.1 life falls short sometimes

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3rd pov

In the bright city streets of a hot summer's day, Mason Derious saw a child running to catch a runaway ball about to get hit by a truck. He hurries to the kid with speed he's never had before thanks to the adrenaline coursing through his body. As he pushes the child out of the way of the truck he fails to get away himself. pain came.

He thought it odd so he tried to open his eyes that were closed expecting the worst. To his surprise he found himself in a completely white space with no sound or anything to prove what he sees is real. He then feels his body was strange, as if his body is there but he can't feel it move even as he changes where he looks. Then a strange voice like that from an effeminate automated voice assistant like on most if not all smartphones in modern day.

"You have died with no contribution to society. You now have to be reincarnated into a new world that you will be forced to contribute. You will be given freedom over your gender and magic so as when next death comes no lawsuits will be able to hold up in the court of higher beings and your soul will be destroyed if no contribution is given in the new world."

'Wait that means there is magic in this 'new world'?'

"That is correct."

It was quiet for an eternity or maybe just a second as Mason was thinking what to choose for his magic. He had already decided he wants to be a girl in his next life as he's already lived as a guy. As he thought, he remembered all the anime he watched with magic. Finally he thought enough and decided on what he thought would be interesting no matter the world he ends up.

'OK, I've decided. I want to be a girl and preferably a cute one. Also, I want to have water dragon slayer magic.'

"Understood, processing request for 'being a cute girl with water dragon slayer magic'........ request accepted. However, you must learn water dragon slayer magic after reincarnation."

After that everything went dark. When Mason feels water on him he tries to open his eyes but failed to do so. He tries to move around but that also is impossible. He then dawns on a realization.

'I'm in the womb of my soon to be mother!!!'

After he realizes this he thinks about his past life.

He was really no good as a member of society, just as the voice had said. He remembered switching schools not many times but enough to throw him under the bus when his new school was ahead in there studies than his previous school. Though he got through high-school even while having gaps in history, science, and english none of the books he got could account for, he got into college just to quite only a year later.

He got into a fight with his father in which he thought was threatening enough to have to use self defense. His father ended up with a gash on his right cheek. This caused Mason's family to call the police for medical help where Mason was promptly arrested. Although Mason was out on bail 2 weeks later his father forced him to quit college until at least they could get the charges dropped.

1 year later and the charges were finally dropped with the help of his mother's friend who ended up as a lawyer. All was supposed to be over except, the family were put through financial stress throughout that year. They were forced to wait till later to get Mason back in school, but later never came so Mason started filling out job applications everywhere he could. No one got back to him.

1.. 2... 3 years passed like this with Mason growing more and more depressed with anime and games his only solace from his parent berating him for not having a job. Then Covid struck making him the only one willing to go outside (with mask on practicing social distancing). Then came the day he died at the wheels of that truck.

Flashback end.

While Mason finished remembering the past he felt a pressure on his body forcing him out of his mother. He saw light for the first time in a long while and it hurt his eyes causing him to cry out to the world he found himself in. He heard noises of congratulations and cries of thankfulness that made him feel happy too as he has not heard anyone being happy or thankful in a long time. He continued to cry until he passed out due to exhaustion.

He wakes up in a room with a maid who looked mid 30's not far from him.

"Oh my, Miss phi has woken up. Are you hungry or maybe you had an accident?"

Mason, now Phi, was surprised as it seemed she was born into a relatively well off household. She decided to enjoy this family for as long as possible. As she thought this she was trying to convey to the maid she was hungry. Though the maid was mid 30's she still had this young feeling about her without feeling inexperienced in her job. After Phi ate she rolled around her crib for a while.

Suddenly a knock was heard on the door. After the maid opened it and conversed with the people outside of the room, a mid 30's aged man and late 20's woman entered the room along with the maid.

"Oh, Dear how cute our daughter is I may just be jealous." The woman said with obvious love for her child and apparent husband.

"Yes though you will always be the apple of my eye, our daughter takes after you greatly." After the man said this, the baby eyed both of the newcomers with a more analytical gaze.

The woman had long silverish-blue hair that touched the back of her knees with gold eyes surrounded by a petite white face, She had what seemed to be c-cup breast, and she was wearing a dress that was blue with golden sparkles.

The man on the other hand had golden colored hair with amethyst colored eyes surrounded by a blocky masculine face, he was muscular with arms as thick as the woman beside him, and he was wearing a purple suit with gold tie and black under shirt.

They went back and forth for a while complimenting each other and phi. They stay in the room spending time with their new addition to their family by reading stories and trying to get the young Phi to talk which obviously failed though Phi did make attempts all that came out was "AU!" and "GA!".

With days like this continuing Phi learned her parent's names were Alphonso Quake and Emerald Quake, so that makes her Phi Quake. Though phi thought it sounded weird as her first name didn't connect with her last as her parents' did, she soon learned to love the name especially as it continued to tell her she is no longer a Derious where everyday drove her closer to insanity. She is Phi Quake, daughter of the lovely husband and wife, Alphonso and Emerald Quake.

A/N: I was thinking of writing my own fairy tail fanfiction and was wondering if it turned out ok? I'll put out chapter 2 and maybe 3 within the next couple of days if it's recieved ok. 😁👆

PS:/ I changed the main characters last name from his past life in edit because I realized that it was the same as a fairy tail character and didn't want things to be weird. This was done even a day after upload so doubt anyone will notice but still. 👆

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