Ch.2 when a door shuts a window opens

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3rd pov

It has been 2 years after Phi was reincarnated, and she learned a bit more of the world she was in. It was year x767 and Phi's family is in the heart of seven, north of bosco and northeast of fiore. Not only this but the country is close to being in another civil war because of the constant tax increases from the Alleinherrscher family. Although the Quake family is without a doubt wealthy, they still feel the pressure from the Alleinherrscher family to some extent.

Because of the ever looming threat of another civil war the quake family decided to leave with a few wads of Jewels and head to Fiore by boat as they don't want to be caught at the border. Although Phi is young, she can already walk and talk(although with a slight lisp), so they decide to take her with them instead of "sending her with relatives in Fiore through the land route". Phi got a bad feeling when she heard about the Civil War, but she wrote it off as nothing but anxiety from change.

The family soon got to the port city. They got onto a medium sized boat about the size of a modern leisure boat with a sail and magic engine. It had a hull about the size of the dining room in their mansion. They bought enough supplies for a month in case for any reason they need to stay sailing on the ocean for longer than planned which was only 1.5 weeks or about 10-11 days.

As they set sail it was a bright and sunny day. They went on sailing northwest a little ways before turning southwest and making towards Fiore. All of a sudden they see a ship in the distance. It seemed strange for a ship that large to be as close to the shores as they were, until they noticed the flag. It was a pirate ship that spotted them just as they spotted it.

"Well, this isn't good. Let's hope they leave us be as we're a personal ship as apposed to a merchant ship." Alphonso says in a weary manner as his wife and daughter nod.

Their prayers were all for not however as the pirates kept coming near. When they got close enough to shouting range they hailed the boat of the family.

"What yarr doin' out in these here waters!!" The supposed captain yells to the family.

"We are just passing through to Fiore. We have family there that we are going to visit!!" Alphonso answered without an ounce of fear showing on his face.

"Well that's a mighty fine reason to be taking the ocean route. But, those are some nice treasures you've got on that there boat!!" The captain yells throwing a lust filled gaze towards Emerald and a greed filled gaze towards Phi.

"YOU WOULDN'T DARE!!!!" Alphonso yells with an aura of killing any who offend him and his family.

"Hehhehe.. I do dare and there is nothing you can do about it! GETTEM MEN!!!" The captain said as his men started hooting and hollering about a big feast later.

"AAAAHHHH!!" Yells filled the ocean air as the pirates flew to the families ship using magic items. Except for one who had formed a magic circle of dark purple behind him.

Phi looked on in horror and awe as this was the first she saw magic outside of magic items. Alphonso noticed the mage on the boat too and started his own magic. It was requip magic, although he can only summon weapons and is nowhere near fast enough to take all of the pirates on, he can still buy time for his wife and daughter to escape with the flying magic tool they bought for such instances.

As the pirate mage cast his spell, pinkish purple flames shot out to Alphonso as he blocked it with his newly equipped magic sword. Although it has no element, it can still block the fire. Emerald grabs the flying tool while the pirates are distracted.

"Be careful, dear." Emerald said to her husband earning her "Don't worry, they will be finished and I will meet up with you 2 soon." And a kiss in return.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2021 ⏰

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