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Sorry to start with a note, but it's important! 

The only parts of this story I own are the storyline, Ruby and her family, Danielle "Rosie" Jackson, and the location the story takes place. I own nothing else. The characters of Sam and Dean belong to the CW and Supernatural, the Doctor and Rose Tyler belong to BBC and the Dr. Who franchise, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione belong to Warner Brothers, J.K. Rowling, and the Harry Potter franchise. Please give all love for those characters to the proper places.

That said, this is my first time doing something like this, and as such I am open to feedback. Of the shows I am using, I admit, I am not completely up to date with Dr. Who. I'm only at S2, hence why that is what I'm using (and Ruby's question to Rose). PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not spoil stuff for me, I want to enjoy it. 

Another note, there will likely be spoilers for the end of season 8 of Supernatural, the end of Harry Potter (I'm kind of picking and choosing from the movies and the books, but the books for the most part take precedent unless I prefer a particular movie aspect over the books), and spoilers for the first two seasons of Dr. Who.

Now, with all of that out of the way, I really hope you enjoy.

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