Chapter 1: "The Beginning, Boy meets Fox Doll!"

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Ranma 1/2: The Wild Horse and his Demonic Doll!


Chapter 1: "The Beginning, Boy meets Fox Doll!"


"Ranma" = Speaking

'Akane' thoughts


A bald middle aged man and young boy are seen walking down a road in China near valleys of mountains and such as they journeyed along

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A bald middle aged man and young boy are seen walking down a road in China near valleys of mountains and such as they journeyed along.

The man was wearing a dirty white martial art gi, round glasses attached and a white bandana covering his head (presumably bald) with a Ten-year-old boy with Raven black hair tied into a ponytail, teal colored eyes and wearing the same overall attire as him.

This was Genma Saotome, Patriarch of the Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts and his son and heir named Ranma Saotome, as they come across a nearby town they plan to get supplies for their journey (and by "getting supplies" as in stealing...

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This was Genma Saotome, Patriarch of the Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts and his son and heir named Ranma Saotome, as they come across a nearby town they plan to get supplies for their journey (and by "getting supplies" as in stealing food and not paying the bills. As they walked through the town the come across a shop of sorts and within contained various items as they browse through (hoping to find something worth stealing).

As they looked around something caught young Ranma's sight, it appeared to be a stuffed Doll of a fox with orange colored fur, round white eyes with dark round pupils, two tails and what appears to be some metal rod protruding out of its head that...

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As they looked around something caught young Ranma's sight, it appeared to be a stuffed Doll of a fox with orange colored fur, round white eyes with dark round pupils, two tails and what appears to be some metal rod protruding out of its head that leads to a red gem.

The young boy took a liking to the stuffed animal and wanting to keep it asked his father for it, however the boy's father said no stating: "A true martial artist doesn't play with toys boy!" As he attempts to drag his son out, but the boy continues to beg his father to have it (for hours). Eventually the patriarch gives up and let's the boy keep it. Little did they know there was something more within the doll.


After fleeing town they settled for the night, Ranma layed in the ground looks up to the stars of night with his newly found doll beside him.

With a sad look on his face he sees a shooting stars and makes a wish, 'l wished I could someone there for me' he wished. As he finished he suddenly hears a voice in his head. 'Don't be afraid kid I'm not gonna hurt you' said the deep sounding voice. Ranma full of fear asks out loud saying "Who are you?!" Screamed Ranma as he was freaking out.

The voice replies back in his head saying 'Don't worry it's me the doll!' said the mysterious voice. Ranma looks at the doll and backs away a bit saying "Really?" asked Ranma.

The doll starts levitating from the ground and faces the young boy as it nods to him for confirmation. Ranma calms down a bit and asks "What are you?", The doll tells the boy saying "I am Tails Doll and I saw you looking quite depressed a bit. I ask the reason why is that?" said the doll whose eyes begin to turn dark as red demonic like pupils appear.

Ranma answers saying "I've just been feeling lonely and my pops doesn't let me make a lot friends" looking at his father whose fast asleep, he lowers his head as tears start to stream down his cheeks.

Tails Doll just looks through the boy's mind and looks through his memories. He then gets closer saying "In that case, I will stay by your side then" said the doll. "Really? You really mean it?" said Ranma as he looks at the doll, slowly forming a smile.

The fox doll comes towards Ranma and embraces him simply saying "Yes, I will be your friend". They both lie down back in the ground and Ranma slowly falls asleep alongside his new friend with a small yet peaceful smile.


End of Chapter 1


The Doll is seen resting near the boy looking at his sleeping form, 'Is this what it means to have a friend?', The fox doll thought to himself.


A/N: I tweak and fixed somethings in this first chapter for how it looked, and I just want to say thank you to Dracoog101 for being possibly the first person to have read this, it mean a lot to me.

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