Aurora's and Harry's birthday🤩 also diagon alley

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July 29,1991

"Aurora, baby wake up it's your birthday" Iris said gently shaking her daughter. After hearing this Aurora sat up, smiling at her mom. "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY FINALLY" she yelled."shhh everyone is asleep except Lily who's downstairs" Iris said slightly laughing at her daughter. "So Harry is still asleep?" Aurora asked, still not forgetting the events that happened 5 days ago ( a/n~ pay back bitches)

"oh god" Iris said knowing what's about to go down." I'm gonna take that as a yes" Aurora said, with that she was on her way downstairs to get a glass of water. Once she got to Harry's room she made sure to be quiet so she doesn't wake him up." WAKE UP HAZ ITS MY BIRTHDAY" she screams as she pours water on Harry.( a/n~ did I give him the name haz bc of Harry Styles? Yes I did)

Aurora is laughing her ass of when Harry let out the most high pitch scream every. As they ate breakfast Harry was still mad and glaring at Aurora." Who was the one who screamed? They woke everyone up" Remus said, looking up from his food. "Oh that was Haz because I poured water on him when I woke him up" Aurora said as if it was the most Obvious thing ever. Harry scoffs and rolls his eyes as James and Sirius burst out laughing.

"So that was you with the high pitch girly scream that woke everyone up" James said laughing at his son."I do not have a girly scream dad" Harry said annoyed." yea and i'm Harry Styles'' Aries said sarcastically rolling his eyes( a/n~ sorry besties i can't live without Harry Styles) "I'm-" Harry stated but Lily cut him off saying " Just finish your breakfast so Rora can open her presents."

After they all finish their breakfast Aurora opens her presents.She got one direction vinyls from Sirius and Remus which she was screaming for 5 about how pretty Zayn looks on the cover of four.( a/n~ i would do this? Yes i would)

Aurora got a necklace from Aries that had the four hogwarts houses on it which she thanked him for. Next was James and Lily's gifts, Lily got her a book about Hogwarts and James got her things from zonkos to 'prank Harry' as he put it.

Harry made her a card that says I HATE YOU(with kindness<33)" thanks" she said sarcastically."Mom said I had to actually get you  something so here" Harry said,handing her sunflower earrings(a/n~sunflowers are pretty and sunflower vol.6 is an amazing song👊)" thank you Haz" Aurora said not being sarcastic this time.

Her last present was an owl from her parents."wow your beautiful" Aurora said look a her black owl. "I'm gonna name you Ivy" she said,in response Ivy gave a happy hoot. ( a/n~ hoot? Yea thats how i'm gonna put it)

"Lame" Harry says quietly but not quiet enough. "What was that, Harry?" Aurora said with a hint of a challenge in her tone. "oh shit she called him Harry not Haz" Sirius whispers to James "yea shits about to go down" James whispered back. "I bet you five galleons that Aurora will win this argument" James said, smirking at Sirius." wow betting against your own son" Sirius said "your on Potter." "yall do know yall are parents betting on kids right?"Remus said from beside them

"I said the name Ivy is lame'' Harry said with a more challenging tone than Aurora. "If it's so lame then do you have a better name Potter?" Aurora asked. "Well- no but the name is still lame" Harry said, seeing how he couldn't come up with a good comeback." pay up Black" James said to Sirius and in return he got a scoff with his 5 galleons

*2 days later*

    Aurora woke up before Lily and her mom which is weird seeing as her mom wakes her up everyday. When she realized what today was, she went to go to Harry's room and wish him a happy birthday. Surprisingly Harry was already up reading Aurora's book that she got from Lily. "hi Haz" Aurora says quietly walking over to Harry's bed. Harry looks up from the book he's and moves over so that Aurora can sit beside him."hi Rora" he says softly looking at his best friend ( a/n~ pls i really just went F R I E N D Z O N E D but its alr bc their 11)

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