Chapter 1: Growthspurt

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  "This Sports Festival. It's someting that the pros- no, the entire country, will be watching very closely," Toshinori, in his skinny form by the window, said to his succesor, a young teen by the name of Izuku Midoriya, "I want you to think of this Sports Festival as your debut. You are the fledgling Symbol of Peace. The next All Might. Izuku Midoriya. I want you to introduce yourself to the world, and proudly say "I am here!".

  For two weeks, Midoriya trained his body to manage his quirk better. However, on the last day, his body was intensely sore, and he was experiencing actual pain, like there was something in his skin trying break out. But still, he went to bed........


  He woke up, in a room made of crumbling concrete. In front of him, were 8 thrones. They were all elegant, but the one to his left was the most, and the closer it got to his right, the less expensive they looked. And, in these seats, there were people, most of them in hero costumes. On his right was a man with white hair, wairing jeans and a while t-shirt. And, on his left, was a figure made of flames, but it looked like a shilouette of All Might, in his skinny form at least.

  The man in the causal clothes stood up first. "So. You're the ninth. And the final, too. We don't have much time. About a year." Izuku tried to speak, but couldn't. He then noticed his body from his nose down was smoke, sans his hands. It still held his shape, though.

   "That's not exactly the best thing in ZA WARUDO, so we, One for All, decided to do something brash and reckless," said a bald man, who had goggles on his forehead, as well as a leather jacket with a belt of 5.56 ammo, "Because you're skinny." He poked Midoriya's body, and suddenly, it took the shape of All Might in his American debut. "And shrimpy." He poked Midoriya's arm, and they became more muscular, or so it seemed. "And generally unphysically fit to weild One for All." He poked the rest of his arms and legs, and they got more muscular. Then, he poked Midoriya's head, and he grew taller.

   "We decided to give you a growthspurt. You might be able to fire on all cylinders. But, there's another consequence for this." Midoriya looked at the man with confusion in his eyes. "You were supposed to get all of our quirks gradually. However, with this rushed growth, you'll be getting them all at once. So, you'll need to learn to control them."

  "But, don't worry. We're here to help you."


   The next morning, the morning of the Sports Festival, Midoriya had All Might meet him on the beach.

   "Woah! What the heck Young Midoriya!? What'd your mom feed you?" Toshinori shouted, seeing his successor's build. "N-Nothing out of the ordinary. I think this was One for All's doing. One of the men in the middle of the room I was in said I might be able to use my full power." "Well then, what're you waiting for?" "Hu?" "Fire off a smash!"

   So, Midoriya went to about the middle of the beach, and took a deep breath. He closed his eyes, and visualised One for All. It was a glowing orb in his hand. He grabbed it, and his arm began to glow. Outside his head, his sleeve of his P.E. uniform ripped off al the shoulder, and disinegrated. His arm glowed so brighlty, it cast a dark shadow over everything around him, for about 3 miles or so. Even though it was 6 in the morning, it looked like it was midnight.

    "SMAAAAASH!!" Midoriya punched, and all the light in the area was restored in an instant, and the wind displaced by his punch was visible. The wind gathered up in a column, like a mini tornado, and dispersed. Then, it started to rain, as the waves on the ocean settled.

   One thing about this smash was different, other than the light coming off of him. His arm wasn't broken, even though steam was rolling off his arm, courtousy of the rain. He was fine. "All Might!" He shouted, "I did it!" The feeling of this hge victory, it was uplifting! Freeing!

  "Woah, woah, WOAH! Young Midoriya, what the hell's happening!?" "Huh?" It was just then that Midoriya realized he was floating about 10 feet in the air. "AAHHHH!" Midoriya started to flail around in the air, helplessly.

  Then, All Might got an idea. He grabbed Midoriya by the ribs...................

    And proceeded to stick his successor in the sand, with only his head sticking out.

   "All Might?"


   "I don't think this is working."

   "What makes you say that?"

   Then, Midoriya shot out of the sand like a rocket, back up to ten feet above the ground.


     Then, Midoriya started to think. 'Calmn down. Think this out. How do I-'. Suddenly, his feet were on the ground. "Huh. Neat."

     "Now then, young Midoriya!" All Might said, turning around. It was then that Izuku noticed the crowd of people.


     "We use the secret Joestar technique! NIGERUNDAYO!! MIDORIYA!!!"  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2021 ⏰

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