Four - Invitation of Hell Angels

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Father Lowenthal climbing down stairs to confront the Invaders. Brother Jerome escort his fellow priests and priestesses to safety via underground passage. Series of gun shot echoes through the holy church in spite of having built with sound proof walls. Father Lowenthal held a book tightly and about to open the door to the main church room. He hears the militia breaking through the doors with heavy stone like object. He stand still and stare the barging of the militia.

" Leave this holy church. There's no point of spilling blood here. If you do , you are doing nothing but closing your entrance to the garden of Eden. "

Father Lowenthal wants the militia.
But the militia did not listen.

" We don't care about your religious nonsense , Priest. We do as we are told. We will burn this church down like the others. We seek the hidden artifact inside this church ! "

One of the soldiers said in commanding voice.

" It's a pity that you have sealed your tickets to Eden by commiting such atrocities. The lord of all creations have cast punishmentd upon you. Your armor, your weapons and tanks won't protect you from the inevitable. "

Father Lowenthal said in commanding tone.

The militia suddenly break through the doors to draw their weapons towards the religious priest. They mercilessly fire their weapons upon Father Lowenthal. Brother Jerome felt a huge thud on the praying hall through the hidden passage. He assumed that Father Lowenthal has been killed. Suddenly brother Jerome hears the scream of Militia, gunshots echoing through the prayer halls.

" This isn't an ordinary Priest ! Retreat ! Retreat ! Send the tank to break down this place ! "

One of the militia said in panicked voice.

Father Lowenthal hide on the right side of a bench , bleeding from his injuries. Suddenly the militia is greated by a band of angels , descending down on the holy grounds with their blood color wings. They stare at the militia with their Sharp golden dagger eyes. They draw their weapons; consisting of a burning sword and a blazing staff. The militia become terrified and beginning to understand what they are up against.


The hell angels fly around the vile militia with their blazing melee weapons , slashing them in halves. The tank barges in the church, attempting to shoot down one of the hell Angels. One of the hell angels turned into true form , extending his left wings to draw a rain of boiling blood. Like a corrosive acid , the blood of hell angel's wing melted the tank , killing the every militia inside the tank. The hell angel who have transformed into his true form , then draw his large blood stained wings on the remaining soldiers , melting them apart. The soldiers were screaming and shouting . They were blindly firing their rifle at the Hell Angels. The Militia begin to retreat but little that they know is that they are already cornered by the hell angels.

" I warned them. You know. I warned them about the repercussions but they didn't listen. "
Father Lowenthal said to himself and look at the Hell Angels killing off the Militia. The last remaining soldier flinched back as the Hell Angels approach him. The Hell Angels wielded their weapons tight.

" Spare him for now. I wanted to keep this one alive. "

Father Lowenthal halted the Hell Angels.

" So tell me. Who gave you the order to burn down the church. "

Father Lowenthal asked.

" I won't tell you a thing. "

The Soldier shouted.

" Listen to me . The only thing that is standing between you and the Hell Angels is me. Even though you will be banished from this world , you need to me who gave you the order. "

Father Lowenthal commanded the soldier.

" Madame Christina Heirbroad. The leader of Big Rifle Organization. "

The Soldier replied.

" Thank you for your cooperation. Now take him away , Hell Angels. "

Father Lowenthal commanded the Hell Angels to take the remaining Soldier. The Hell Angels nodded and grabbed the soldiers and vanished without a trace. Father Lowenthal's sign of injuries were miraculously gone.

Father Lowenthal walk towards the front bench a and seated for some time. The trace of intrusion were vanished as well as the interior prayer hall is miraculously restored.

" Brother Jerome. You can come out now. "

Father Lowenthal said .

Brother Jerome and the others revealed themselves to Father Lowenthal. Brother Jerome astonished to see the religious grounds restored from it's ruins.

" Sire Lowenthal are you okay ? "

Brother Jerome asked.

" I am fine , Brother Jerome. I have a feeling that those Militia will try to invade this church once again. They may have been banished to the scorching fires of hell. But that doesn't stop the Militia to carry on with their sins. "

Father Lowenthal replied.

" Sire Lowenthal I acknowledged that they attacked you. But how to you survive from them ? They were many of them to kill you. "

Brother Jerome asked.

" Brother Jerome , all I can say is that my life is saved by the creation of our lord. He gave the invitation to the Hell Angels to descend upon this church in order to punish the sinners to death. "

Father Lowenthal replied.

" Hell Angels !? It can't be. It is impossible. How can this be ? "

Brother Jerome is confused .

" Hell Angels ? I have never heard of them. I mean , there are many angels I have known from our holy scripture. But I have never heard such kind of angels. "

Sister Isabella said.

" Allow me to clarify , dear Sister Isabella. They were originated from ancient Cloudmous which is unknown to other people. Hell Angels are the guardians of hell who were created by the same lord that created mankind. These angels were tasked to punish the human beings that have committed sins upon mankind. They also punish malevolent demons and their hybrids who harm the mankind. Like other angels , Hell Angels have no free will and they act as their creator commands . "

Father Lowenthal replied.

" But how do they managed to come to this holy church? "

Brother Jerome asked.

" They were invited by holy seal that is placed on the upper wall of the front door. When the seal is broken , the Militia invited them upon their doom despite the fact I warned them. I can assure you that Hell Angels won't harm you as you haven't committed sin. "

Father Lowenthal replied.

" So Father Lowenthal would you tell us the things that we don't know about you ? "

Brother Jerome asked.
Father Lowenthal stare at Brother Jerome and others with expressionless stare .

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