~Holiday Madness~1

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Hi... it's Anna again..
Fuck! It's been 2 months already since I got into the university...
Holiday in 2 weeks... Yippee!

Can't explain how happy I am to finally get a break from all the crazy school work shit, my head hurts, lol.. I miss my dad , a lot! Even though he calls me everyday, literally..

At the eatery now, waiting to meet  some course mates before heading to class.. Bella had an allnighter  two days ago and decided to take a break today..

Asides worrying about my grades and having to write a test almost everyday, all I can think of is getting a kiss or another warm hug from Bella and ughhhhff , I need help, and maybe a bubble bath as well, with Bella in it..

You know what, I think I'll pass , can't wait anymore..

I called out to our class prez who happened to be passing by to help pass the message of leaving earlier, he's like a guardian angel always there watching and waiting for me to make another request, lol...

Hey what's up, want some french fries? He said.. Naaah, I'm good, you sure eat a lot dude, (we laughed).. Umm, mind helping me tell my friends when they get here I left early to finish something back at the hostel?..I asked..
Yeah sure, finish what exactly?...
Nothing too important, thanks a lot....
Okay.. He said and gave a funny look...
Don't look at me like that, I also have things I wanna do which are more important than jus sitting and waiting, beside they should have been here ....
Alright, alright.. I'll tell them..
Yh, thanks...I said and skipped a few steps to the entrance..

Its 5:30, thirty minutes left before today's last class .. got to my room faster than I thought..  Pushed the door open and threw my bag .. Bella must have seen me coming ... She rushed towards me , I was coming with a greater force .. pounced on her and we landed on ground laughing out loud...

You knew I was coming? I asked
I could feel your presence getting stronger, I couldn't get any sleep Anna, not without you .. Bella said with her eyes racing around and taking a sight of every inch of my face..
Awwwn, same here I just couldn't stop thinking about you, just had to rush over here..
Just shut up and kiss me...

We kissed for some time.

Why'd you stop Anna?...
I'm sorry, something just popped in my head that's all...
Should I be worried, you can talk to me girl...Said Bella

Umm, its nothing.. Okay, can we continue?...

(Sigh) wait Bella theres actually something... (Both Sit up)
I'm all ears baby...

I started talking...
I've been thinking....
Bout what?
About you, no us, I mean, you know we'll be going for a  holiday in two weeks?
Yes? What's up?
So I was wondering, why don't we just go to my place ,you know, just the two of us, happy together, we could.....
I kept talking and talking I didn't notice the tear drop on  Bella's cheek...

Oh my!!!! Bella I'm sorry, if you don't wanna go it's fine, I can go alone, you go where you wanna go , I'll go somewhere with my..

Bella got up and hugged me...
It's alright Anna(sob) you cannot imagine how happy I am to hear that...

You are?? I asked

Course I am !!! I've been thinking of of to ask you but turns out you thinking the exact same thing.. she cried the more saying they were tears of joy..

Couldn't help but cry with her... I think it was the happiest moment if her life..

I'm so happy Bella...
Me too Anna...

Bella cleaned her tears then mine and got up... How about a pre celebration drink? ... She said with a smile...

I really want to Bella, but I got class by 6..
Wow, but you're late already, why not stay and play with some more.. (crawls seductively to Anna)

I can't Bella, need good grades and you need good health, okay?

Okay fine.. but come back early okay?

I will, I will.. We still need to plan all we're gonna be doing during the holiday and how I'm going to introduce you to....(sigh).

It's okay Anna, everything will be fine.. she said with a smile

Yeah, I know..
Smiled and gave her a kiss on her head , picked up my bag and left for class.. I was overjoyed..

Bella jumped into the bed , swinged her legs in the air and screamed yesssssss! with a continuous loud laugh ... I could hear her voice. Shows she was really happy

I wish things were as easy as how Bella told me they would be.. I'm still worried of how dad's gonna react... Well, if she says it's fine, then it is, hahaha (happy thoughts)..

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