Chapter 3, The slaughter.

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*Asurea pov*

"That's the third one this month." Her father stated, looking at the TV. "I know, but we just have to deal with it. We always do, right dear?" My mother said. I had the feeling my parents didn't know I was awake. "Yes...I do guess. Let's just hope everything goes according to plan tomorrow." Her father said with a nod. I wondered if I should go talk to them. But I decided not to and just go back to sleep. I pulled the covers over me again and let my eyelids shield my eyes from the light.

I re-awoke the next morning, realizing I was on the ground. I let out an annoyed sigh and stood up, stretching my arms above my head. I walked out of the living room into the kitchen, where the smell of a delicious breakfast dragged me out of my tiredness. I sat down at the table, waiting for the food my mother has prepared. "You're up early," My mother said while looking at me. I looked out of the window to see the sun was just rising. "Big day, a lot of stress," I said to her. She nodded. She patted me on the head, making me smile a little. "Well c'mon, don't let the food get cold. Then, I took a bite out of my breakfast. If only I knew it would have been my last one cooked by my mother, I would have savoured it more. 

A couple of hours later, I saw standing in my bedroom deciding which pair of clothes I should wear. After a long 10 minutes of considering, I finally settled on a red shirt with my village's flag on its left. I paired it with generic, boring blue jeans. I walked out of my room, where my mother was standing. She gave me a thumbs up and walked off to probably get my father. I walked down the stairs and sat on the floor, tieing my shoes. I always hated shoelaces, but my mother will never get me slip-on shoes. Something about me becoming too lazy, wherever that came from. I stood at the door, waiting for everyone to be ready as well. This kind of reminded me of this one time, where I stood at the door of one of my mother's friend's houses. They were fighting, and I stood there at the door, scared. My mother's friend threw her into the wall next to me. "YOU ARE A TRAITOR!" She yelled at my mother. My mother started to stand up, but she got kicked to the ground again. She put her hands around my mother's neck and started strangling her. I don't know what clicked inside of me, but I yelled at her. "B-back away from my mother!" I yelled. She let go of my mother's neck and turned her head towards me. "Oh? Right. I forgot you were a thing." She hissed at me and walked towards me. "You are just as bad as your mother, and as such, you should be executed in the same way." I stared her in the eyes, wondering how a person could be so horrid. That is when I decided I hated humans, besides my mother. They picked me up and pinned me against the door, revealing a knife in their back pocket. My eye's widened as I started to struggle. "They shouldn't of let your kind in this village. Monsters...they aren't meant to exist!" They brought down the knife in what seemed like slow motion. I looked at the knife, which was coming toward me. I sighed and catch the knife before it was able to impale my skin. They looked shocked/confused. "How did you catch it-" They started, but I was able to yank the knife out of their hand and kick them back. They toppled backward and I held the knife to their neck. "S-stay away from my family." I stammered out. I dropped the knife as my mother picked me up. She opened the door and ran out with me in her arms. I snorted at this memory. It was oddly funny to me. I was snapped out of my remembering by my mother, who was quite literally snapping in my face. "Hellllo? Anyone there?" She asked. I nodded. "Just day-dreaming." I opened the door and walked outside, my family following me. We walked for about 6 and a half minutes, mostly because the village is very small. We stood at the back of a big crowd in front of the stage the Lord would appear at. I decided to try to get closer to the stage, to see who the person was. I could hear hushed, excited whispers as I passed people. I eventually got to the front and looked up at the giant clock at the clock tower, 2 minutes until the lord would come out behind the orange curtain with our village's flag on it. I stood there, waiting. The Lord came out of behind the curtain, wearing an orange mask with narrow eyes and a slit for a mouth. I saw two monster guards following the Lord, which was strange because no Lord has ever had monsters as guards to escort them to the stage. I suddenly felt hopeful, yet bad at the same time. The optimistic side of my mind said this Lord would be friendly to monsters, but the negative side of my mind said something much more sinister is going on. I could see it on my parent's faces too. I walked back towards them. "I think we should leave," I whispered to them. They nodded, but as we started to walk away I noticed my Brother wasn't there. "Where is Phobus?" I asked my mother. "He said he left something at home, now let's get going." We started walking away when the Lord said the sentences that ripped my life apart: "As you all know, there was a human murdered last night. Well, after discovering that a monster murdered them, we have decided that monsters cannot be allowed to be in the village nor leave it. It is a danger for us to have them alive," He put his hand up, and the two monster guards behind him got shot dead. "So we must kill them all."

Asurea (The soul of Rage.)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora