Chapter 17, The Soul of Rage.

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Asurea pov, this chapter is a bit gory.

After hearing their words, I stared at the person on the throne, goosebumps riding up my body.
"I knew you'd come. Asure(a) as the sun would rise." I felt my heart drop. I...I recognized that voice...that...that joke... "P...Pho...Phobus...?" The man in the chair stood up, taking their cloak hood off, revealing Phobus. "Who else, sister?" He hopped off the platform. I stared at him, so many emotions swirling around in my head. Confusion...Fear...And most of all...Rage. "What...What did you do...?!" I pulled my axe off my back, glaring at him with unsteady eyes. "I Accepted a deal, now look at where I'm at. On top of the world." "What type of deals?" I growled, gripping the axe's handle tightly. "Some murder jobs here and there. I had to do everything I could to get to this position. Even if it meant getting my hands dirty, I was quite good at covering my tracks, you know. The only time I got caught was that night." I glared at him. "You told me..." I started to raise my voice before I was cut off. "Lying." I cursed at him, which seemed to amuse him. "I didn't expect you to get out of town. I expected no one would. But I suppose you have always exceeded my expectations. But you came BACK? That wasn't smart, Asurea." I grumbled, holding my axe tighter while he drew his sword from its sheath on his belt. "I'm not sure if you came here for revenge or to avenge the fallen, but this is where you-" I cut him off. "Would you shut up?" I growled at him. He looked Taken aback, before smirking. "If you wish." He suddenly charged at me, catching me off guard. I was barely able to hold up my axe to block the overhead slash he did. He pushed down, trying to use his weight to make me stumble. I looked around, then slid to the side, causing him to stumble into the wall. He whipped back around and instantly ran at me, slicing through the air. I ducked and weaved under and around all of them, moving backward as I did. He once again went over an overhead slash and I moved to the side, slamming the handle of my axe into his gut. He arched over, stumbling backward, obviously winded. It was my turn to attack. I ran at him, slashing my axe at his chest. He was fast however and tried to weakly block it with his sword, causing his sword to fall out of his hand, noisily landing on the other side of the room. His eyes widened while I used to advantage to slash at him once again. He barely reacted in time, but ended up tripping on his cloak. I stomped on his chest and let my foot stay there, holding my axe to his neck. I went to go for a clean slash until he yelled. "ASUREA-" My axe blade stopped right before it hit him...his voice...he sounded so weak. I looked him in the face. He was terrified...and I could see...humanity? "Asurea...Asurea please..." He spoke in between sobs. I felt my chest burn. I stopped pressing my foot against his chest as hard, axe shaking in my hand. "Thank you....." He smiled up at me, before stabbing me in the ankle. I cursed as he stabbed it again and pushed me off, scrambling to his feet. I swore some more. The pain was unbearable, a puddle of blood was already forming under me. I watched as he ran out of the room, inaudible yelling following him. My chest was burning more...but for a different reason. He...tricked me. HE TRICKED ME. He wasn't my brother anymore...he wasn't even a person...he's condemned so many to their deaths...I shook my head. I came here to kill the lord, and I will finish my task. 

Eight Guards ran in through the door, their weapons were already drawn. I stared at them, my blood boiling. How could they work for such a monster? The gold they were getting couldn't have been enough for genocide. Nothing could be worth it. Yet they worked for him...I felt my ankle go numb while I looked down at my body, feeling the red magic envelop my body. the Guards looked...nervous. That was until one of the ones in the back charged forward, slashing their sword at my neck. I blocked it with my now armoured arm and swung my axe into his side, going through his armour and into his skin. I tore it out of his side and he fell. "One." I thought to myself The other seven stared, in shock. I ran at them, not letting them get the upper hand. I swung my axe at another who tried to block with his sword, the blade shattering and the axe going through his gut. "Two." I heard footsteps behind me and whipped around, seeing two guards run at me. I jumped back as one slashed at me, the other running up and trying to slash again. I rolled under it and slashed my axe through his back, cutting them in half. Thats when I felt something sharp stab me in the shoulder. I flipped around, seeing a now unarmed guard. The pain numbed quickly as I rushed at him, slashing my axe which they tried to block with their arm.  The axe went through their arm and into their chest. "Three. Four."  I tried pulling it out, but before I was able to another guard slashed at my arm. I let go of the axe and avoided the slash. The guard was persistent and ran at me again, going to stab me in the stomach. I moved to the side to avoid it and punched him in the stomach, hunching him over. I grabbed the guard and threw them into another guard running at me. "Five...Six."  I let out an exhausted gasp, noticing there were only two guards left. I backed up, something attached to my back hitting a wall, making the pain in my shoulder come back. I grabbed whatever was attached to my shoulder and yanked on it, stumbling back as I did so. I looked at the sword that was now in my hands. I guess that's why the guard was unarmed. I shifted my focus back to the two guards who just stood there, nervous. I ran at them both, throwing the sword into one of their legs while I pulled my axe out of the body it was stuck in when I ran past it. The unharmed guard ran at me while the harmed one tried pulling the sword out of their leg. The guard dashing at me slashed, I slid under it, using the axe to cut off one of their legs while doing so. They tripped and fell onto the ground."Seven." I looked at the guard with the sword in their leg, they stared back at me. I stood up, the guard shaking. They kept trying to pull the sword out of their leg. I walked closer, stopping when I stood in front of the guard.  Thats when I heard what sounded like sobbing coming from the guard. I stood there for a few moments, before looking around. It was a massacre...Guilt hit me like a freight train. My magic started to dissolve. I shook my head, something inside telling me I needed to continue. 

Asurea (The soul of Rage.)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن