Ch.3 His Family

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■3rd Person POV■

It's still early in the morning, the sun just goes up. Kiyoomi and Souta are going with one of the male caretakers of the orphanage to get supplies for repairing the attic.

Y/N is currently swiping the front yard when a black car comes. Two men with a nice suit but not too formal, get out of the car and walk to Y/N.

Mahiro: good morning little miss... can I see the orphan keeper or the caretaker? My name is Hizashi Mahiro, and here is my friend Kasuga Ken.

Ken: we're looking for a boy so we need to talk with the keeper.

Y/N: oh... sure, um please wait a minute, I'll take you to Mrs. Mayu.

Y/N places the broom she's holding and leans it on the wall after piling some leaves. She then leads the two men to Mrs. Mayu's room.

Y/N knocks on the door and Mrs. Mayu calls them in.

Mrs. Mayu: hello there please sit here...

Y/N: I'll go get some teas...

Ken: you don't need to little miss

Y/N smiles at them and says it won't take long and she leaves.

When Y/N comes back with teas on her hands and about to push the door open, she hears one of the men speaks.

Mahiro: the boy that we're looking for is a thirteen years old boy named Kiyoomi..

Y/N freeze in front of the room, not moving a single muscle.

■Y/N's POV■

They're... looking for Kiyoomi nii?

My heart beats faster and I grew antsy as I stay quiet and listen to their talking.

Ken: Kiyoomi sama is our master, Sakusa Kiyotaka sama's son with his mistress...

Mahiro: though they never met... our master always provides the money he and his mother needs... but about three years ago, we lost contact with her...

Kiyoomi nii... still has a father...

Ken: we just found out that she passed away recently and learn that Kiyoomi sama is on this orphanage... our master... wants to take Kiyoomi sama to live with him... in the Sakusa family's mansion...

Dub dub...

My heart clenches the moment I hear that. They want to take Kiyoomi nii away. But, they're taking him to his father.

His real... family

Mrs. Mayu: oh dear.... I... it's true that Kiyoomi is here... but, make him leave this orphanage, it won't be easy... there were many families who wanted to adopt him but he refused them all for a reason...

Me... I'm the reason...

Kiyoomi nii is a smart kid, he's also good looking. A lot of families wanted to take him until last year but he never left. That's because he doesn't want to leave me. But

Mrs. Mayu: the thing is-

Y/N: excuse me... here are the teas...

Mrs: Y- Y/N... how long have you been there? Did you li-

Y/N: um... Mr... you're gonna take Kiyoomi nii to his real family, right?

The men who came to pick Kiyoomi nii up stare at me and nod their heads. My heart hurt and my chest feels tight.

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