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Both groups stared at each other, stuck in a stalemate, waiting for someone to make the first move. Metal and eyes glinted.

Levi looked to you. You nodded.

You both immediately hopped over the low ledge of the building and landed on the sandy path, not waiting for the towers to go back up again. The bag slapped against your back, the litres of water no doubt giving you bruises each time. You gripped onto the straps with one hand, trying to keep it tight to your body as possible, while the other had a throwing knife at the ready. You glanced over your shoulder. They had started to take off as well, Reiner leading the charge, sword swinging. Annie and Marcel were matching his pace, weapons at the ready. Behind them ran Bertolt, clearly hating running more than anything which you couldn't blame him for. And behind him was Gabi with a sword that looked half her size, pulling along a panting and red-faced Falco.

Levi looked to them all as well, his jaw slid to the side and the grip around his own weapon tightened. Levi no doubt wanted to get rid of them here and now, but two against six wasn't something he was going to get himself into, let alone drag you along with him.

Behind Reiner, Bertolt stopped, drawing back an arrow. You knew that bow, you realised bitterly. But before he could release an arrow that you knew would never compete with Sasha's skill, the ground began to tremble again. The arrow fell from the nock and went into the sand pathetically as the towers began to rise up, blocking them quickly from view.

You winded randomly around the towers as they rose out of the ground, dodging the waterfalls of sand that cascaded from the open windows. It took most of your concentration to not just fall over from the shaking ground, the sand half sucking you two down with it. You had to constantly pull your legs out of the sand as the ground itself lowered as well. You two gripped onto the building sides, letting it pull you up, your fingers barely hanging onto the indents of bricks, and dropping yourselves down before you got too high. You both took off running again, the sand becoming more manageable. Levi made sure to keep checking on you, making sure you were still behind him. He slowed down his pace marginally to fall in pace with yours.

It was like you were just running from peacekeepers, that's it, the only thing you two were going to get was a stern talking to, not death, what kind of sick joke would that be?

You ran along the grid of buildings diagonally, hoping to any god listening that the careers didn't see you two.

When the towers were fully risen, seemingly rid of most of their sand, Levi pulled on your wrist and into the door of one immediately. You waded through the low level of sand, getting to the staircase quickly. Up and up you went, not pausing for a moment until you were both at the top floor.

You finally took a breath, leaning against the sandstone. You shuffled yourself over to the window, careful to stay flat against the wall. You peered down at the way you came from, looking for any sign of movement. You counted to a thousand, your eyes never leaving the landscape below. Levi stayed silent, waiting for any sign from you that something was wrong. As soon as you reached the last number, you let out a sigh and fell back on your behind, the sand cushioning your fall. Levi's body physically deflated, and he let himself slide down the wall, closing his eyes. You both didn't speak for a long while, just glad you cheated death again.

"Well fuck that," you finally said.

He let out a rare laugh, though fuelled by adrenaline and exhaustion, a laugh, nevertheless. You cracked a smile and joined in. Floch certainly wasn't going to get complaints on having a boring arena anymore.

You took a sip from your bottle. "Reckon it'll be an everyday thing?" you asked, "The towers going down and all?"

He nodded, leant on his knees. "Probably, it helps people find each other."

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