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Sugawara P.O.V 

The fact that Hinata was molested makes me wanna throw some hands at the disrespectful bowl of shit. I can't believe he touched a 15-year-old girl!

We get out of the store as soon as we paid for all of our things. The boys were just in the cafe eating and waiting for us to return. WE DIDN'T TAKE THAT LONG (•_•) *looks at watch* 

whAT 😃

IT'S 8:30?!! 


I was actually shocked lol, I only bought like 3 items all of those hours. 

"OI Suga-chan!"

I heard Oikawa call me from the back. "What's up?" I asked

"Nothing I just wanted to call you hahaha" 

we were walking to the girl's bathroom
"Wait a minute, I need to do something," Oikawa told me

"Oh ok I'll go with you I guess"

*Walking through the dark hallways as it was almost closing hours*


"What?" I asked

"I just saw something move at the corner of my eye"

"shit-, really?"

"yeah at that side"


Little did I know the Man who did something to Hinata was STILL IN THE BUILDING

Oikawa P.O.V 

"Oi! Suga! Where are you???" 


"Oh loookie here we got another one, this ones hot!"

"we? who's we??"

All of a sudden someone grabs my thigh

"Oooh you weren't lying boss"

Well duh I was on the verge of tears there.

Luckily I had my pocket knife with me



I want to run as fast as I can But-

but I don't wanna leave Suga

"Quick think of a way"




"ok I'll hide and call Hajime"





"Shittykawa where tf are you???"

"Ok listen Hajime. I'm being surrounded by lunatics who wanna do god knows what to me and Suga."


"Yes. Yes she is"

"Where r you?"

"I'm near the washroom-"

"Mhhmmpphh, NO!"

*end of call*

W-why am I a girl?! (haikyuu genderbend Au)Where stories live. Discover now