Its Time.

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Techno was packing. what? you werent sure. but you watched him rush around, up and down the ladder, opening and closing chests.
"Techno, why can't i come with you?"
"Because it's too dangerous kid, I dont want you getting hurt."
"oh.. okay" you noticed Phil was also rushing arond. "who am i gonna stay with?"
"Uhm... I hadn't thought of that- you'll be okay on your own surely." you shrug. you hadn't been alone since the day you found Techno's house.
"I'll leave you some food ready, and you can wear your armour if it'll make you feel safer. I'll come get you when it is safe." you look at Techno and nod slightly.

as time got on, Dream appeared, and soon Techno and Phil were waving goodbye. you wave back, and once they shut and locked the door (an extra precausion Phil had insisted on) you sighed. you wondered downstairs, where Bob the cow resided. you go over to the only surviving cow of Techno's, and pet him. he nudges into your hand and you smile. at least you'll have some company whilst they were away. you rush back upstairs and grab your colouring things, a blanket and pillow, and the food Techno had prepared and set up a little area for you to sit with Bob. you sit down and start drawing. Bob soon followed suit and sat beside you, his head resting on your lap.

its now dark out, although you were unaware of this, having been sat in the basement the whole time. you hear the door click. Techno was back. you squeezed yourself out from under the cow that had fallen asleep on you, and quickly climbed up the ladder.
"TECHNO!" you ran at him and hugged him. he picked you up and hugged you back.
"I'm here Thea, I'm okay" you smiled, as he sensed your worry for him.

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