Chapter 6; The man in the suit

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The sun beamed through the windows, pointing straight to Pandora. She rolled over with a groggy yawn, stretching as she awoke. Murmurs from other students could be heard all around the dormitory. On her desk lay an envelope that she knew was not there when she had fallen asleep that night.

Pandora Leona, Lugburn School Of Magic, it read on top with a silver wax seal keeping the envelope shut. The seal was decorated with an indent of a castle, which appeared to be the school. The paper looked old and worn down, but felt like it was in perfect condition. Gently she opened it, not trying to rip it.


Dear Students of Lugburn School Of Magic,

Aledondreal has been repaired. 

As of tomorrow visiting will be allowed. Due to recent circumstances, visiting hours have been cut in half, and you must have signed permission to go. Since dark wizards are now everywhere, the only people permitted to give permission are the head teachers of your houses; Cultian for Malus,  or Qualls for Bonum, or Headmaster Fluntwhill himself.

Visiting hours are between 5-7 pm. If you are caught leaving the school before or after the visiting hours or do not have signed permission to go, you will have a week or more of detention with Professor Lingus. 

Aledondreal will be the only place you are allowed to visit outside of school. Attacks have been more frequent, and the dark side has become increasingly stronger. If families are wanting to see you, they will come to the school on Saturdays or Sundays when classes are not in session. They will not take you anywhere but the school or Aledondreal.

Please respect what we ask of you, for this is all safety precaution. If there are too many incidences where you do not listen to these new rules, you will not be allowed to go anywhere at all. Less than a week ago Osiris Welsch launched an attack on Aledondreal, and we don't want to lose any more students. 

Thank you, Lugburn.


Pandora sat in thought for a little while. Although the last time she went the place was blown apart, she needed a way to clear her head, and all her family had been in the human world. Students had been getting on her nerves, the homework load was overbearing, and she needed a break.

I'm going she decided.


Pandora walked with Erryn to her first class, potions. Potions had been taught by Professor Lingus. She was short, with long purple robes. The sleeves stopped at the elbows and proceeded to fan out that the end, swishing with her every arm movement. Her curly, dirty-blonde hair, sat above her shoulders, topped off with a purple pointed hat.

"Are you gonna go to Aledondreal again?" Erryn asked. 

"Yeah, probably. But first, I'd like to go alone, just to clear my head for a bit you know?" Pandora replied.

"Is that the best choice though? I mean last time you went you almost died," Erryn scoffed. She wasn't wrong, but she wasn't right either.

"I didn't almost die, I didn't even get touched, I just got a bunch of dirt on my face," Pandora laughed sarcastically in response. 

"He saw you didn't he?" 

"Yes and then he stared at me, not even moving, and apparated aw-" Pandora said getting cut off as she entered the potions class. They appeared to be the first ones there, which wasn't at all unusual. It everyday smelt of lilac and vanilla. Potions had by far been one of the most welcoming rooms in the whole school. Mrs. Lingus was almost always radiating with positive energy, with a contagious smile that never seemed to fade.

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