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Belatedly, Wening realized that Tuak Master's definition of 'good idea' might actually differ greatly from hers.

Strings of muttered curses were already on her mouth as Wening struggled to move past the incidental human barricade. It didn't help that her eyes were currently stinging like nobody's business, spilling salty tears all over her cheeks and through her increasingly reddening nose.

Vaguely, Wening could still hear Tuak Master's throaty voice cheering from behind. 'Not helping', she gritted her teeth. How the hell did he acquire the damn onions anyway?

Wening swore to herself. Later, if... when she made it out of this whole mess alive, she would make sure to give Tuak Master a piece or ten of her mind. If not, she would definitely still find a way to haunt the guy from beyond the grave anyway.

At the moment, though, she got a massacre to prevent.

When Wening finally managed to break out of the crowds, however, she never got the chance to congratulate herself. Eyes drawn forward, she didn't know which sight was more bone-chilling for her; Ki Jogoboyo drawing out his giant machete or the dead-eyed stare directed at him by none other than, as-a-matter-of-factly, Kelana Klawu himself.

Time seemed to move in a slow motion as the first glint of blade peeked out of the jogoboyo's sheath. Nearly imperceptible even to her trained eyes, Kelana Klawu at the same time twisted the hand that was gripping tight to his blood-splotched fabric.

Wening wasted no time to send boosts of internal force into both feet and got into a mad dash.

'This better works, Tuak Master, or I will personally come back to torture you with the torture you've never been tortured with before!'

Rushing past Ki Jogoboyo, Wening threw whatever left of her dignity out of the window and full-on slammed into Kelana Klawu. The stumble was rough, but she was quick to regain her bearings. Even quicker than the black arts pendekar who was currently still sprawled on the ground, apparently stunned.

Straightening herself up on both knees, Wening threw him a pleading look and mouthed, "Forgive my insolence."

Before Kelana Klawu ever got to register what was happening, Wening already pulled the man forward and enveloped him in a crushing hug. She slipped her fingers in between Kelana Klawu's tied up silky strands, right on the back of his skull, then pressed his face into the crook of her neck. That should, at the very least, shut him up momentarily and buy her some time to work her magic.

"Please spare him!" Wening cried out at the visibly perplexed jogoboyo. As she did so, Kelana Klawu began to squirm against her chest.

"Hmph- wht'r y-"


Gripped in immediate panic, Wening tightened her embrace and once again, yelled out, "Please spare my idiot brother!"

Ki Jogoboyo narrowed his beady eyes at her and for a terrifying second, Wening thought the whole gig was up. The man, however, only tilted his head ever so slightly and growled. "Explain!"

Trying to sound as miserable and pitiful as possible, Wening began. "P-please forgive t-this humble one's brother f-for unintentionally creating s-such a disturbance in this p-peaceful village of yours. This h-humble one swears, no harm meant and no harm done. B-big brother... Kakang is just... he's just..."

Wening grabbed both sides of Kelana Klawus's arms, unlatched the man from her body, then shook him back and forth like she might do a lifeless puppet.

MARICAYANA: The Beginning [ONC 2021]Where stories live. Discover now