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A week later...

Today is the day of the gender reveal. The way we're doing it is by shooting and a ballon full of a colored powder. Jay, Lauren, and I are all wearing white as the rest of intelligence will shoot the colored powder over us using a canon like the ones at party city. 

We wake up with the sun shinning through the blinds. I roll over and give Jay a kiss. "Today's the  day" "yes it is, you ready to find out" "yes I'm so ready, what do you want" I ask Jay. " I kind of want another little princess" "really, I want a little mini you" "well, we'll find out soon." "Yes, we will" 

We get ready and a few hours later the team shows up. We load the guns and Nat gives skim, Vanessa, Adam, and Kevin the canons. Hank counts down. 

"3, 2, 1" shoot 

Hailey and Jay shoot the targets and the team releases the canon. 

PINK color pops out.

"ITS A GIRL" I scream 

"Looks like you were right" I say as I give him a kiss as we get covered in pink powder. Then we hear a cry 

"Lauren, sweetheart it's okay" Jays grabs her

Jay whispers in her ear "go give Adam a big hug but quietly okay" 

Lauren nods and quietly runs up and gives Adam a big hug covering him in pink powder 

"LAUREN" Adam screams 

Lauren screams daddy and runs back to Jay.

"Adam look what you did" Hailey says 

"Princess he's just joking ok he's not mad"I rub her back

Chicago Fire sneaks up behind the rest of intelligence and jumps pink powder on them to 

"Ahhhh" they all scream 

Jay and I laugh at them. We all grab some photos and then everyone leaves and Jay, Lauren, and I hop in the shower. We wash all the pink powder off, eat some dinner, than hop in bed.

Ps. Sorry this chapter was short I didn't know who to stretch it out. The next chapter will skip to the birth and then I'll add some more story lines. Any ideas feel free to comment down below

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