Birthday Party

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It's Carolinas second birthday today. Lauren is now 5 and will turn 6 in a few weeks. For Lauren's birthday we decide to start the day as a family in bed.


Hailey: "ahh good morning sweetheart." I tell Lina as I snuggle her

Jay: how old are you today?

Lina: twoo

Hailey: "good job sweetheart"

Jay: we're so proud of you 

Hailey: it's linas second birthday and Lina is almost finished weaning from eating so I decide today will be the last time I nurse her. I latch Lina on and just relax.

Jay: she's getting so big 

Hailey: i know time to start thinking about another one 

Jay: I know you want another kid but don't you think if we wait Lauren will be able to help take care of her once she's older 

Hailey: yeah that might help

Jay: with our crazy hours I think we need to wait 

Hailey: ok only for a little bit 

Jay: "a little bit huh." I lean over a kiss Hailey 

Hailey: maybe just a little bit longer 

Lauren: mommy, daddy can I come snuggle with you 

Jay: ofc sweetheart come here 

Hailey: you ready your linas party 

Lauren: yes 

Jay: well let's go get ready 

Jay takes Lauren and Lina to get them dressed while I go get ready. I put my hair up in a messy bun while I do my makeup.

Jay: you like this dress 

Lauren: yes 

Jay: k come here let's put it on 

I get Lauren changed and then change Lina into her birthday girl outfit. Then we go find Hailey 

Lauren: mommy look at my pretty dress 

Hailey: you look amazing baby. And there's my birthday girl 

Lina: me birthday girl 

Jay: yes you are. How old are you again 

Lina: twoooo

We all laugh and I finish getting ready. A few hours later the team and friends arrive. 

Hailey: Lina you want cake or presents 

Lina: cake 

Lauren: cake 

Jay: cake it is 

We all sing happy birthday then open presents. It was an amazing night. Our team and friends leave then Jay and I put the kids down then head to bed ourselves 

Jay: I can't believe she's two 

Hailey: I know she's to big, I don't have a baby anymore 

Jay: ik she's a toddler, it makes me want another

Hailey: pleaseee

Jay: hails.... you know we can't 

Hailey: ik I want one but we need to focus on work. We have missed like so much work, we can't keep doing that to Voight. I know it doesn't matter about the money like we're good on that we don't need any overtime, thanks to you sergeant 

Jay: haha that came in handy 

Hailey: yes it did 

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