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Two months after I met my new found best friends, I felt like I was floating. I was ridiculously happy with the way my new life was going. No one seemed to know what had really made me and my dad move out here and strangely, I was okay with that. I never wanted to forget my mother and she was with me in almost everything I did every single day, but I couldn't help but revel in the new chapter we found ourselves in. I could just be me, Lily Greyson, daughter of Adam Greyson and newcomer to Brady, Texas. There was no longer anyone looking at me with pity, asking my if I was okay or whispering about me when I showed up to school with dark circles under my eyes, baggy clothes, and a tear stained face. I felt... Free.  

I remember one evening I was sitting behind my house, watching fireflies dance and dipping my feet into the cool water of the creek that ran through our property. I had never experienced nature like this, and never seen anything like it in California. I could hear crickets chirping, a dog bark or two in the wind, but other than that it was just me. 

I sat there for hours just watching and looking around as the sun went down. Soon though, the grass behind me gave way to the soft footsteps that came through headed in my direction. I peered over my shoulder and smiled when I seen Cody making his way towards me, eyes only looking at me. He gave me a soft smile and sad down quietly beside me. There were no words for a while, just friendship and silence. I think we both needed it.

"Trey's dad is getting worse." He whispered in the quiet. My face turned down, my smile suddenly leaving my lips. "Said he may not make it much longer. The transplant isn't holding. I don't know.. He's just not going to make it." He's sad, I can tell. Cody still has both of his parents and they're happily married, both teachers and love their kids something fierce. Trey on the other hand it's just him and his dad. His mom ran out on them when he was a toddler and it's just been him and his dad ever since. Cody's family took them in and they've all been close since then, so I know this pains him just as much.

"Is there anything they can do?" I ask him gently. He shakes his head and we fall back into the quiet. Unsure of how to comfort him, because I know this hurts him too, I scoot closer and take his hand in mine placing it on my lap. I lay my head on his shoulder and whisper my apologies to him. I feel the pain that Trey's feeling, but neither of them know this. I want to tell them, they are my best friends, but would it really help?

"Cody?" I hesitate. He hums in response, encouraging me to go on. "My mom died 8 months ago." As I say the words with finality, tears spring instantly to my eyes. I don't think I've spoken those words since she left us and when he stiffens beside me, I remember why. But he doesn't say anything. Doesn't pity me, doesn't try to get me to talk more. He takes his hand from mine and wraps his arms tightly around me. And I cry. For the first time in front of someone else who isn't family and if you think about it, practically a stranger, I cry. 

I cry for my mom and what I lost. I cry for my dad and how he tries so hard to continue on and be so strong. I cry that my mom will never be here for all the moments I need her most. And lastly I cry for Trey. Because I understand and know there is nothing that will prepare you for the pain or take it away.

"Tell me about her." Cody says to me and it almost shocks me. But I do. I tell him about her smile, her soft brown hair and the way her nose wrinkled up every time she laughed. I tell him how I could never lie to her because she always knew. And I tell him about how she was my best friend and I still felt lost without her. 

"Maybe that's why we felt like sitting down with you that day. Fate or something?" He smiles and looks down at me. I peer into his eyes, "The world knew we would all need each other." His hand dances softly against my cheek, wiping away the stray tear that managed to escape.

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