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May 2013

" Thompson let's go!! The rankings are up!"  Lilly's best friend Carmen says as she grabs her by the hand dragging her through the halls. "Well there's no need to pull my arm out of its socket." Lilly said as Carmen let go of her. Lilly pushed through the crowd to get to the front to see her ranking. "I'm third" Carmen said happily. "Now let's look for yours.." Carmen looked at the list and was surprised. "You know what Thompson we should get going the list is bogus anyways." Carmen says while trying to make Lilly leave with her. "Carmen we just got here. Let me just see where I am and we can go."

Carmen was in her way blocking Lilly's view of the board. "Torres move." Lilly stared at Carmen making her uncomfortable. "Okay, but just know it's not that big of a deal." Lilly ignored what she said looking at the list and could not believe here eyes. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME??" She looked at the list rankings enraged. "I have to talk to Ms.Granger, this is obviously a mistake."
Lilly said going straight to the office. "Whoa Thompson relax it's just a list who cares about a stupid list?" Lilly glared at Carmen, making her put her hands up in surrender.

"She put me second underneath that idiotic monstrosity." She raged. "Lilly do you really think that talking to the head mistress is going to put you in first place?" Lilly sighed knowing Carmen had a point. "No but I need to try at least ." She walked to the door ready to set this straight. "Oh lookie here guys it's the second placed ranker. Lilly Thompson." She clenched her fist in anger. "I'm pretty sure you're the reason why Martin."

He looked at her confused. "Oh yeah?" She nodded her head, "I bet mommy and dearest paid the head mistress so you could be top." She said gaining a punch in the face. "Don't ever bring my parents in this." He said angered.  "Aw looks like someone doesn't like to hear the truth." She said blocking his fist and kicking his side. As soon as she did that a crowd went around them. "FIGHT! FIGHT! " The kids around them screamed.

A whistle blew loudly causing everyone to scurry off before anything could happen. "You two. My office now." The head mistress Granger said to the two of them. As they sat in the waiting room lilly's parents came in the room. "Lilly you're okay." Her mom Marissa and Dad Ryan Thompson said hugging her. Then right after them came in Dylan's dad Johnathan and stepmother Gabrielle Martin. "Oh god Dylan what did you do now?" Lilly's parents glared at Dylan and his parents and they glared right back.

"I'm pretty sure it was son's incompetent behavior that got our dear sweet baby girl in here." Ryan said gaining a glare from Dylan's dad. "Now listen here." Johnathan was about to go to Ryan until the voice of the head mistress broke the tension. "Thank you both for coming today if you all would come in to my office." She said as they all came into the  office. "Well looking at the security systems." It seems that your son Dylan Martin had started the fight between the two of them.

"I guess this means for an apology Martin." Lilly smirks at him earning a look of unsatifaction from Dylan. "But she called me a daddy's boy. That's worth an apology as well." Dylan says. Lilly then gets up from her chair. "Alright then," she begins. "I apologize for telling you something that is most likely factual."  She said in front of him making him grab her.

She looked at him smirking until she saw his eyes go from their natural green to a dark black color. "Let me go." Dylan then released her from his grasp. Closing his eyes only from to show her his green eyes again. "I'm sorry for making comments to you Thompson." He said baring his teeth. "Yeah sorry." Lilly said trying to understand what she saw.

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