Chapter 1

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I stood watching the book shelves with bland expression as I was unable to choose a journal, which was weird because I literally begged my mom to let me buy a journal before going for shopping.

"Annah just take one, we are running out of time..". My mom said standing impatiently.

"I just need it mom and besides I'm not starting classes today, so I have much time". I said.

I turned to the books and I glanced to just what I've been looking for; a huge journal by the upper of the shelves. I tipped on my toe, inhaling dust, hands a bit wet which I'm sure that was one of my traits: Wet hands, sleepyhead, sensitive, and being an introvert, Oh!...and awkward genius; you know that kind of people in class that always knows the answer but never raise a hand? Yeah that's me!.

I grabbed the Journal, gained my balance and sighed with its heaviness but I was satisfied. We left the bookshop whilst I kept the book at the back of the car, and the view of the city passed through the piece of the window.

The crowd making me slightly uneasy as I walked slowly behind my mom who was busy talking, unaware that I wasn't paying attention. It was the beginning of the year and beginning of school to most students, so the mall was filled with people. I stumbled on the entrance of the mall and I stood to regain my step, two slender ladies giving me a questionable look with a round figured staff stuffing a hamburger which made me cringe.

"Oh my god! Annah are you okay?". My mom asked walking towards me, so soon to realized that I wasn't behind her. I urged not to roll my eyes, which was my habit to almost everything.

"Let's go mom". I beamed instead, walking pass her, she groaned and followed me. We entered a boutique where my mom packed lots of sweaters, joggers (winter clothes in general). I kept tailing behind her unable to pick my choice, because all she needed was my size and she will pack anything she sees with it.

I groaned when she added some gowns in the trolley. "Mom! you know I'm not wearing that right?". I said pointing at the gown she was holding.

"You have to, because you won't be wearing your hoodies when its summer". She said and she knows for sure that summer was my best season, who wouldn't love summer? You get to go to beach, wear clothes you want and not some oversized hoodie which I weirdly prefer than piece of hanky that barely covers the largest organ of your body.


A. Wear hoodie, summer, winter, Autumn.. Whatever.

B. Wear tiny, barely categorised dress.

Me: A, definitely A!

We shopped for some moments with her packing lots of sweatshirts, hoodies and sweatpants. Yeah... I just space out because she packed lots of gowns and gowns and more gowns.

Definitely living in my wardrobe forever!

We drove out of the mall and headed to the school which was large to my limited sight. The parking lot was crowded with student and I felt the pit of my stomach, knowing that it was my first day in college and already apathetic on how to cope with bunch of strangers.

Aha! Stranger, danger!

My eyes roamed to some group of ladies standing at the parking lot, glistening with unnecessary makeup and obvious dumb_dumb attitude, dressed in so much bright colors that is destroying my eyes. The group increases with additional badboy_egoistic_college_basketball players, talking and... Oh it's time to gaze off, God save my dear eyes!

We strode to the entrance where there was a huge emblem written 'Welcome To Maine University', and that tend to make my systems nervous. Years ago, in highschool when my nerdy little self was welcomed by over pampered spoilt brats, claiming they were bullies which was adapted by me with not so much of a volition but this was different.

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