Chapter 5

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Some of us are more different than others. You might be surprised.
- Cha Eunwoo.

Well, you are surprising...
- Myoui Mina

You're surprising too, considering that you do have a boyfriend. What else is surprising is: people don't see what they're not looking for. The obvious unseen.
- Cha Eunwoo

I've been thinking about what you said about 'seeing' and 'not seeing'. I had an art teacher once tell me the difference between a 'good' painting and a 'great' painting is typically five strokes. And they are usually the five boldest strokes in the painting. The question is, of course, is which five strokes?
- Myoui Mina

I get it. After one's slaved away at making a "pretty good painting", the last thing you'd want to do is make a bold stroke and potentially...
- Eunwoo

Ruin everything. That's exactly why I gave up painting. Still, I wonder if that's how I'm living my life. It's a "pretty good" life. Probably the best life one could hope for in this town.
- Myoui Mina

Perhaps. But how well do you really know about this town?
- Cha Eunwoo

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You stopped next to the school building at a small restaurant. Well, guess who's here?

Mina waited at a table, sitting next to Bambam, as the line next to her were annoying, demanding customers. She looked accommodating, poised. You watched her eyes land on a painting across the room.

Bambam, being the guy that he is, decided to find out what was taking so long. He had been planning this lunch date for a week, trying to figure out when Mina could fit into his schedule.

Instead of standing there from the entrance, just watching them like a creep, you got in line to reserve a table. You hoped that Bambam wouldn't notice you behind him and lowered your head. He tapped his foot to the rhythm of the music playing faintly in the background.

"Y/N, what a pleasant surprise!" You slowly looked up to a tall guy with a hat covering half of his face, but you managed to recognize his voice. "Eunwoo? What are you doing here?" You asked.

In the corner of your eye, you saw Mina had stood up as well. She got up to see a closer look of the painting from earlier. Her mind of the letters you had exchanged.

"I walked by and saw Mi-" You quickly shut his mouth, remembering the person in front of you. Eunwoo realized and whispered this time, "I saw her kind of... having a staring contest with a painting? I was going to talk with her, but you know I'm bad with that. Also, you're here,"

"I'm glad you didn't," A tower of menus were next to you on a counter, so you looked at it to avoid Eunwoo's glare. "Huh?"

"It's far too early. Half of what we're discussing is beyond your comprehension."

"Can you let me comprehend it then? Reading those letters looks like you're getting nowhere," Eunwoo replied.

"Will you just be patient? You can't just jump into things," An irritated groan left your lips. You're not sure how much patience you have with him. Bambam had finished a conversation with one of the workers, and he walked back to his seat.

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